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I may have burned the bridge


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I went NC with an ex twice. Both times she broke it and confessed that I was better than her new bf, and she's miserable. The catch is she won't leave him, so both times I got really nasty, and said pretty bad things. So she hasn't contacted me since. My question is did i burn this bridge, or is she too scared to go through that again?


I lean towards that latter, because if I got smacked down twice, I probably wouldn't go back for a third.


I'm also wondering should I try to contact her to kind of make up a little?


Looking for some opinions please. Thanks.


NC works, just gotta be strong and not let them get you. She came back twice. Don't give them a sniff of what you're doing. It'll drive them nuts. Easier said than done, but look at the overall picture.

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Both times she broke it and confessed that I was better than her new bf, and she's miserable. The catch is she won't leave him,


Hi Nj,


Isnt the above quote a contradiction in terms!? Your`e better than her new boyfriend, but yet she won`t leave him?


I don`t believe what I m hearing. She tells you that your better, but her actions show your second best mate!


Stick to no contact for now while she`s still with her new man. SHe`s possibily having second thoughts about him, but shes willing to give it a go. It`s like you`re on the back burner! Not good.

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Sounds to me like she's just telling you that you're better than her current boyfriend because she wants to keep you around as a backup, both in case things between them don't work out and to feel wanted / feed her ego. Like other people here have pointed out, if she really believed you were better, she'd be with you.


But if you're still having doubts about this, there's an easy way to find out whether she sincerely likes you more: next time she contacts you, just tell her that as long as she's in a relationship with someone else, you don't want to talk to her. Then go strict no contact. This will give her the ultimatum to prove her words through actions and she'll either end her relationship with the other guy or she won't, but at least you'll have clearer proof.

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