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After Betrayal Off-topic Banter

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I know some of you have read my posts etc. I just thought I would post something positive on Loveshack for a change and think everybody should do the same. In the mist of all negative things that happen in life there are some positives that come out of all the pain. I for one have experienced the following:


1. I have matured a hell of a lot after my 4 month ordeal. We all make mistakes and need to make damn sure not to repeat them.

2. I got a promotion at work (Hooray).

3. Im getting a new car and apartment (Double Hooray).

4. I am just taking time to love and understand myself more (Needs and what I have to offer to my next relationship).


So if you look at life, in the mist of all bad things that happen, something good comes out.


Im sure that we must all have something great happening inour lives right now. Please feel free to post!



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This is a nice idea...letting us see how you are feeling, and then making us all think of the stuff that is making us happy right now.


I am having a bit of a hard time with jobs...but still looking, and for me its the exciting part, i just want to be working !!!


Although my GF has brought a whole load of new emotions to me, she still makes me happy, and as long that she doesn't repeat any of her past with ex boyfriends, with me, then we shall be fine.


I am playing football well, and have started in a new league team...starts soon !!!


Yeah things are going well !!!

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Brilliant bro.


Sometimes we tend to look at the negatives in our lives and forget about what things make us happy besides relationships etc. Life is too short to focus on negative things. Some good does come out in the end.


Good luck with the job hunting though.



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Ah, that's good :0


I've been looking for a job for all the time we were together, and when he dumped me, or I dumped him, hehe a week later I found a job, two weeks later I found an appartment... I can't wait for next week... the lottery perhaps? ;)

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Ah, that's good :0


I've been looking for a job for all the time we were together, and when he dumped me, or I dumped him, hehe a week later I found a job, two weeks later I found an appartment... I can't wait for next week... the lottery perhaps? ;)


If you do win it. Ca I be your best friend? lol - just kidding.:laugh:


Sometimes things happpen for a reason in life I guess. :)

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