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(Not sure where to post this)


Has anyone had any experience with anti-depressants? I am going to a psychatrist on Monday under referral from my psychologist to be evaluated for meds.

I am all for taking something to make my depression go away, BUT I am worried about eventually getting off of the meds.

Can anyone share good or bad experiences with anti-d's?



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Shattered Reality

I took Paxil for several years after I had post-partum depression, and I wish that I never had. :( While it did work for the depression, it was horrible to come off of. Made me sick to my stomach and I had migraines every time I would decrease the dose, and I weaned myself off it very very slowly. It took me three tries before I was even able to come off it completely, because the pain and illness was so severe that I would cave and go back to taking my normal dose.


It also had some other unpleasant side effects; at first I lost a lot of weight, which I thought was great! :D But the pay off was the sexual side effects, such as decreased libido, and inability to orgasm. (sorry if that was too much detail there :p)


I did try other antidepressants (can't really remember which ones) but they simply didn't work for the depression the way that Paxil did. But, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone either. Not sure if that helps you any or not :o

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Some of the newer ones don't affect libido......and are easier to stop.


If your psychologist is suggesting it, I would guess he/she has not been able to help you lift from the depression without medicines..... so it might be worth a try.......... they will raise them slowly, and when you stop, stop slowly........

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I'd say the most important thing to do is take some time and evaluate why you feel the way that you do.


It may be complex and I'm sure you're working at it, but it's too easy for a doctor to say 'hey yeah take these and your life will change'.


Regardless of pills, it's something within you and your life that you're looking to improve. I'd say most of the reason things like pills and therapy work are because they are signs that you are making an effort to help yourself.


I'm mostly saying this from experience, realizing later that instead of facing the real issues, I turned to pills and it made things worse.


So I'd say just remember that you're always trying to improve yourself and become a happier person regardless of the pills. Then if you're on the pills, they're only something helping you along that goal.


Best of luck.

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Thank you all for the information. In addition to the depression, I get panic (or anxiety) attacks. My first doctor didn't seem to concerned about that, but a new doc I started to see was VERY concerned. I have another evaluation tomorrow.

I am terrified to start meds, BUT the downs are very, very low and at this point I would do anything to feel better. The panic attacks have gotten more intense and occur much more. I am worried this will interfere with my job, family and friends.

I think the root of my problem is coping with a big separation in my life. My first love and I have split and that has really affected me.

Thank you again.



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Hi Motor,

I have posted on a few threads about antidepressants, as I have been on them for several years (Zoloft). I'm glad that your doctor is paying attention to the anxiety attacks because that classically goes along with depression for a lot of people (like me). I stopped having them along with the depression with the meds. Sounds like you are seeing a good doctor so I would not be so worried about going/off the meds, the doc will be there to moniter and help as needed.


good luck, motor :)

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