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Hi, I am 30 and taking zoloft for anxiety/panic attacks. This is my 5th day and I feel like crap. I have felt like crap since day 2. I have felt like I have the flu, minus the fever. Very tired and achy and "heavy" feeling. Is this normal? I am taking 50mg. I took zoloft several years ago and it was great and I never felt this way then but I am also taking the generic now and it wasn't available then. I am thinking I should have started at 25mg and worke dup to 50mg. I have also felt really edgy/panicky/fidgety also. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

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How long does it take to feel better with Zoloft?


Every person is unique. The time it takes to feel better is different for everyone. Some of your symptoms might start to improve within one to two weeks or it could take up to eight weeks. Even if you don't feel better right away, it's important to keep taking your medicine as directed. Give Zoloft a chance to work for you.


Source: http://www.zoloft.com/zoloft/zoloft.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=common_questions


I am sorry to hear you are struggling. Are you working with a counselor or therapist? Please check with your doctor before you change your dosage.


I go to a psychologist on Monday to be evaluated for anti-d's. I am very nervous, so maybe we can share stories. I have been very depressed and I don't want it to get so bad that it affects my job or family. My doctor also wants me to stop my 'self-medication' which I do with weed and wine.


Good luck and hang in there and please keep us posted :)

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Yes, hope you are seeing a doctor, hopefully one experienced with SSRIs to monitor your experience. I have been taking it for about 10 years with great success but when I started I had loads of wacky and unpleasant symptoms that stopped once I adjusted. My excellent doctor knew everything I was experiencing and that made it possible for me to ride out this adjustment period, otherwise I'd probably have given up. So glad I didn't!


I had a friend who, as you did, took it for a second time after a many years' break. He had different reactions the second time he took it, but it kicked in and worked.


I'll follow your thread. Hang in there and good luck. I used to have terrible anxiety attacks which Zoloft has aleviated, so I understand.

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Hi Always! I got my meds today and my doc put me on Zoloft. I am going to pair that with my psychotherapy and my general practicioner is going to monitor my reaction to the meds.


I hope we can share stories with our progression.


How have you been doing the last few days?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi alwayswondering :)

You still around? My doc just upped me to 100mgs. I feel a bit better.

How are you?



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I used to take Zoloft. It sounds as if your dosage isn't right. Sometimes it take the doctor a bit of adjusting doses, until they find what works for you. If you tell your Dr how you are feeling, I'm sure something can be done.

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I used to take a SSRI, and I felt dreadful for the first week. Really unbalanced, panicky, leaden, tired, lethargic and I totally went off food.


My GP said it would take about two weeks to work, and she was right.


Hope it works for you.

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I upped my meds from 50 mg to 200 the past 4 weeks. It is slowly working. It generally takes LONGER than 2 weeks, more like 4-6, to truly work. SSRI's aren't a quick fix cure all, and most make you feel agitated at first, but that dissipates over time.


Also, avoid caffiene past lunch. People with panic symptoms can handle coffee, me included, but later in the day it messes me up. Not when I'm happy, but when I'm in a depression or anxious.


Another thing to consider is a drug like xanax or ativan. As needed. Sometimes these work well when starting an SSRI to help with the anxiety.


And to think, I was about to go off medications when (1) my phd project bomb and (2) my gf dumped me. Now I'm in a clinical depression again. Oh well, what's 8 more months of med? (Note, make sure you feel happy for at least 4 months before going off).

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I tried 3 different SSRI's. I think the first one was zoloft. I couldn't handle the side effects. Felt as if I was being electrocuted over my entire body. I couldn't sleep, felt like a zombie. After 2 - 3 weeks on each I took my self off them and told my MD. There was no way I was going to continue those. He said some folks can't take them, more get over the side effects. I went thru 5 years of depression and general anxiety disorder with barely any meds. I took vallium/antivan for panic attacks.

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