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what do you think about a guy cheating on his pregnant wife

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Hi everybody...


I would like to know what do you tkink about a guy who cheat on his pregnant wife...What does he has in his mind? Does he loves her?


They are together since the age of 16 years old. He is 37...has already a kid of 4 y.o.


He already cheated on her before they got married...


Knowing that...should I say anything to her???

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I would say that, I hope the woman has a job or enough money to help support herself and children and that she has some place to go, because she doesn't need to be in that kind of situation.

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Who knows whether he's 'in love' or not, love can be twisted to some people, but he clearly doesn't respect you at all and doesn't care about your feelings...


He cheated on you before so I don't see why you should stay with him furthermore, unless you're willing to accept other women in his life

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Thanks guys for your comment...I see that Moral is still alive nowadays and that there is still boundaries to not cross...


The question is ...does she has to know about what her husband did?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks guys for your comment...I see that Moral is still alive nowadays and that there is still boundaries to not cross...


The question is ...does she has to know about what her husband did?


Yes. As a pregnant wife who suspects her husband of cheating... yes, tell her. And she deserves to know. He is putting her and that baby at risk by cheating.

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