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Did you "settle" for your signifcant other?


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If you could describe your perfect partner (whatever that means to you), does your current significant other fit that description? If not, would you be happy settling with this person?


I think we all could do a good job at describing our perfect partner & I also think that we could never find them. My SO wouldn't/couldn't fit the description of a perfect partner because none of us is perfect.


As to settling - to a degree, we all settle. I'm very happy with the person I have. In many ways a lot could be better, but also in many ways a lot of what I have is more than I deserve.


Love is an never ending journey. You cannot arrive & say, 'This is it!'. Once you declare that you've reached your destination the journey is over.


I have come to learn that a relationship requires so much more than simply being in love & in that learning process my love has grown stronger every day. I cannot imagine my life without my partner & I'll gladly settle for that.

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Love is an never ending journey. You cannot arrive & say, 'This is it!'. Once you declare that you've reached your destination the journey is over.


I have come to learn that a relationship requires so much more than simply being in love & in that learning process my love has grown stronger every day. I cannot imagine my life without my partner & I'll gladly settle for that.

Dude, you just made me cry. Lucky nobody can see me.

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Bluechocolate, it sounds like you have found your perfect partner (at least how I describe it). When I say "perfect" I don't mean for you to go down a list of qualities that you expect your significant other to have, but rather, it's more of an intuition/sensory idea. If you can look at your current partner and feel that they are perfect for you, then that to me is a perfect partner. Sure, there might be things about him or her that objectively speaking others might consider flaws, but for some reason, you see these as merely unique character traits that simply make them who they are. And all the things that you love about your partner make those "flaws" so minor that you don't even notice them.


I have never experienced "true love", but I can almost feel what it could be like and believe me, I really hope that I get to experience it someday. I'm so inexperienced when it comes to dating, but I really feel that I learn more simply by reading this message board than actually dating - I'd rather learn from others' mistakes than my own. Reading these threads gives me an understanding of the problems that tend to arise in relationships and allows me to see things from different viewpoints; I put myself in hypothetical situations and ask myself what I would do. Besides, I think a lot of what makes relationships work (e.g., communication, compassion, openness, honesty, integrity, the ability to empathize with different viewpoints) are life skills that we need to succeed at life. Sure, relationships require work, but what in life doesn't. To me (and take it for what it's worth, because again, I don't have experience on my side), the hardest part is finding the right person - one who brings out the best you in and you in them, and with whom you are very very compatible. If I can find someone who fits this mold, then to me, I have not "settled", but rather, have found the perfect partner.

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[if you could describe your perfect partner (whatever that means to you), does your current significant other fit that description?
Of coure not! :D He is not perfect. And he is not 100% of what I would want to have. But he is close and I am in love with him. :love:

We do fight because of our differences and imperfections, but hopefully the good can always outweight the bad and love will keep winning.

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