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Getting Horny Over CO-Workers

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Hi all.


I'm happily married, however there are two guys at work I can't stop thinking about. Every time I see them I feel all funny and sometimes really horny to the point i want to grab them and start something i shouldn't


I'm getting to the point I need to let them know how I feel, but that feels wrong and right all at the same time.


I want them to want me as well and i think they would if i made the fisrt move. One is married and one isn't. The one who isn't is quite a rebel and i feel deeply attracted to that.


What should i do? What am I lacking at home? :(

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Three words.



Don't go there.



Not a good idea. If you want to hook up with people...get a divorce.


Trust me, as much fun as it may be in the moment, it will be anything but once the guilt kicks in.

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Hi all.


I'm happily married,




I'm getting to the point I need to let them know how I feel,
Because if you were happily married, you wouldn't feel a need to tell these guys how you feel. Instead, you'd feel embarrassed to have these feelings, you'd feel like you were betraying your H if you let these guys know you would so easily disrespect your marriage and your husband, and you would feel a desperate need to keep your horniness to yourself so as not to tempt fate.

I want them to want me as well and i think they would if i made the fisrt move. One is married and one isn't. The one who isn't is quite a rebel and i feel deeply attracted to that.

Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't. If they did, then they, too, are without a moral backbone.


Perhaps you just need to feel admired and attractive. Maybe you and your H have fallen into a rut and aren't feeding each other's egos anymore.


What should i do? What am I lacking at home? :(
You certainly shouldn't be telling these guys you are hot for them and would cheat on your husband. I don't know what you are lacking at home, but you ought to figure it out now rather than cheating. After you've cheated, you won't need to worry about what you are lacking at home. Then you'll need to worry about how to prevent your H from divorcing you.
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Because if you were happily married, you wouldn't feel a need to tell these guys how you feel. Instead, you'd feel embarrassed to have these feelings, you'd feel like you were betraying your H if you let these guys know you would so easily disrespect your marriage and your husband, and you would feel a desperate need to keep your horniness to yourself so as not to tempt fate.

Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't. If they did, then they, too, are without a moral backbone.


Perhaps you just need to feel admired and attractive. Maybe you and your H have fallen into a rut and aren't feeding each other's egos anymore.


You certainly shouldn't be telling these guys you are hot for them and would cheat on your husband. I don't know what you are lacking at home, but you ought to figure it out now rather than cheating. After you've cheated, you won't need to worry about what you are lacking at home. Then you'll need to worry about how to prevent your H from divorcing you.


Well said Norajane! Peony, Something must be missing in your M. If you are feeling this way it should be a good indication to you to figure out what is missing at home or perhap's within yourself. I have been married for 14 year's now and was never tempted or even aroused by another man. When I became very unhappy over the past couple of year's in my M this is when XMM caught my eye. Read back at my post's and look where it got me NO where. Forget the men at work check out you H instead. Good Luck.



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Have you thought about quiting your job? It's either your job, or your marriage.


AP37, did you ever tell your husband? If not, IMO, don't you think it's his choice to do what he wants with his life?

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Salicious Crumb
Hi all.


I'm happily married, however there are two guys at work I can't stop thinking about. Every time I see them I feel all funny and sometimes really horny to the point i want to grab them and start something i shouldn't


I'm getting to the point I need to let them know how I feel, but that feels wrong and right all at the same time.


I want them to want me as well and i think they would if i made the fisrt move. One is married and one isn't. The one who isn't is quite a rebel and i feel deeply attracted to that.


What should i do? What am I lacking at home? :(


Its not what you are lacking at home...its what you are lacking....decency.

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Have you thought about quiting your job? It's either your job, or your marriage.


AP37, did you ever tell your husband? If not, IMO, don't you think it's his choice to do what he wants with his life?


Hi Sup, Yes H know's of my "A". The main reason I told him was because I could no longer hide my emotion's. I also needed to rid the guilt and shame and by telling him it was a step in the right direction. Confessing also lead me to therapy. Are thing's the way they should be yet? NO and I don't think that either one of us expect's that so soon after a 18 month "A". Thank's for asking.



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As we go through life, fromtime to time we will find ourselves attracted to people, even though we're married. That by itself isn't wrong, it's how we react to these feelings that might be wrong.


In your case, telling your coworkers will make them uncomfortable at best, and be a precursor to a marital affair at worst.


The best thing you can do is look at your own marraige and make sure your needs are being met there.

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With co-workers, it's not even the best of ideas if you're not committed/married to get involved with one, but being married and getting involved with a co-worker?


Gee, why not sign up for a tour of duty in Iraq instead?

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It's amazing you even have to ask this question because the answer to your problem is obvious. Let both of them do you in a broom closet at work this way you can lose your job and your husband at the same time.

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Hi all.


I'm happily married, however there are two guys at work I can't stop thinking about. Every time I see them I feel all funny and sometimes really horny to the point i want to grab them and start something i shouldn't


I'm getting to the point I need to let them know how I feel, but that feels wrong and right all at the same time.


I want them to want me as well and i think they would if i made the fisrt move. One is married and one isn't. The one who isn't is quite a rebel and i feel deeply attracted to that.


What should i do? What am I lacking at home? :(


So....what are does your H/marriage lack that these guy are able to fill?

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