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do girls get as nerveous as guys?


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alright i'm 16 and a sophmore... the last time i had a gf was 5th grade :(... but i can't really call that a gf becasue nobody understands crap at 5th grade level...


well anyways there's a girl in my communication applications (speech) class (semester long class, just started about 2 weeks ago)... I have 2 friends taht sit one behind me and one to the right of the guy behind me... i'm always turning around to talk but i'm constantly thinking about the girl to my left wether or not she's looking at me or should i look at her.. facing directly towards me (the way the desks are set up is I'm on the end row and some other desks are to the left of my row but instead of facing fowards, they're facing towards my section of desks)


I don't know what to really say and i also don't wanna sound like an idiot talking to my friends about some random subject that pops up...


anyways, she seems really quiet and when i occasionally on random days see her in the hallways she's not talking with any of her friends so she kinda seems like a shy person like me.. shy as in w/the opposite sex... i talk w/friends and everything and i know she has friends (everybody does...) but i always seem to catch her when she's walking by herself (i think i saw her once w/friends but only for a split second... everybody was crowding the hallwlays) so im thinking she does NOT have a boyfriend .. hopefully


we had to do a group activity once so i asked her if she wanted to be in our (my) group because she wasnt jumping to find a group or nobody was jumping to ask her... anyways the groups were of either 3 or 4 people, she came into my group which was me, 2 of my friends (both guys so probably ackward for her) and her, the only girl... well turns out that the group infront of me (2 kids) needed one more person for a group of 3... the teacher asked her (girl in my group of 4 ) to transfer to make the other group 3... she did, i proceeded to say "what????... gayyyyyy.." somethin like that in a joking way and she kinda laughed (felt good because she hasnt really expressed herself or laughed much in that class...or at least i think she was laughing at the fact it was funny and not me bein stupid)... well i wanted to be in her group so i ditched my friends to be with her group (2 guys i made friends with and her) .. im pretty sure it wasnt a desperate attempt in her eyes cause my friends were jokin w/me about ditchin them i think lol or somethin... well then when our group was doin some stupid game of find the capitals of states (in like a word search type thing).. .(cause that class we barely do anything so the teacher had to give us something to blow time on...) i cracked some jokes kinda and she laughed...



...alright, so i felt alright bein with a group and stuff but i'm sure that was only because it was w/ 2 guys i made friends with the previous week... im sure it felt weird for her though... now when the bell rang to get on the buses (bus=gay i know :( ... ) she was walkin and i WAS about to ask her name (hey she's quiet i still dont know her name lol ) but i thought it would be to weird for her for me to just randomly come up and ask a question like that... (it was a combo of her feelin ackward maybe and me chickening out)


alright so my basic questions are (sorry for freakin life story) is...


1. do girls get as nerveous as guys

2. do girls usually wait until the guy approaches the girl so she knows maybe if the guy likes her or not?

3. how can i tell if she likes me or not w/out comming off like i'm trying to hard? i find it difficult to strike up a random conversation in the class because of 1, my two friends (but thats not really an issue i dont think), and 2, it would probably end quick with her sitting there quietly like usual and me not knowin what to say and goin back to talkin to my friends... and her fealin ackward


ok im finally done im really sorry bout this long ass post... its my 1st post lol and so far this site looks like some good advice for things like this... thank god for google


if i think of anything else i'll update


EDIT #1: oh yeah and to everybody who thinks TX is like all weird and has those accents... i live in houston and i've probably only seen/know a total of 3 or 4 people with accents and that actually wear cowboy hats


EDIT #2: ... i've never made out/kissed a girl other than my mom on the cheek when i was like what 6? lol :(... and the girl i made this thread about seems shy but i cant tell if thats just cause she's not w/friends when i see her or what?... i'm also wondering if she's like me, im kinda shy till i get to know you, and she seems real shy but i dunno if thats just cause shes not w/friends... and is bein shy a good indicator that she's on my level as in never kissed had a real relationship?:(


EDIT #3 dammit...: what's a good screen name for aim and stuff like that?... right now mine's "Erus Vestrum" which means "Owner of You" in Latin but i tend to think of that as my gaming name lol... and no i don't know latin other than Erus Vestrum (Owner of You) and Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful)


EDIT #4: oh and yeah i dunno if this is weird but this all happened on a friday and i didn't really want the school day/week to end because she's so beautiful and i cant stop thinking about her

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The answer to 1.

Yes girls can be shy and she's probably shy.

2. I would say at your stage of life, she'll probably wait for the guy to approach.

3. Hmm, the usual indications of interest though if she's really shy she might not display any. The easiest way is to ask her to do something, ie Do you wanna hang out after school etc.


Next time you are in class start talking to her. Say something like, hey I didn't get you name on whatever day. Then start talking about whatever, school would probably be the easiest cause you are at school.


Just remember confidence.

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Olright your 16 years old so your biggest enemy in getting girls is going to be yourself. Just be confident and ask her for her number. Say something on monday like "hey" then say"what did you do this weekend" if she says nothing jokingly and in a friendly voice say"no you did something what is it that secret that you cant tell me" ok but hopefuly she just answers you with something like I saw a movie maybe she'll say she saw "Epic Movie" the point is what ever she says whether it be music or a movie or hung out wtih her family ask her an open ended follow up question that gets her talking more like so u like funny movies who are ur favorite comedians. chat her up for like 3 minutes dont be to seriouse about it just have a good time and then say "let me get ur number so we could hang out some time" bam get the number and get a date where durring the date you just joke around and have fun dont be to seriouse and dont wory about if shes having a good time or what shes thinking just try to plan a kiss on her at the end of the date pow. Remember it doesnt matter if she rejects you obsessing over one girl you dont even really know will be your down fall, just be confident dont wimp out on trying to get her number monday and you'll be fine. It doesnt matter what shes thinking ur not a mind reader so your going to have to try something along the lines of what ive sugested. remember dont wory about looking like some anoying guy when u ask her out, just do it, and do it in a care free this is fun talking to you kind of way, not a O god I hope she says yes I dont know what I'm going to do if she says no. Because if she does say no which there is a 50% chance of it doesnt mean anything but move on you never knew her in the first place and you never will know her inless you take a chance and get a few dates. If you dont have a car or a license just have your parents or something pick her up and drive you guys to the movies or something fun. just ask me any questions u want but remember monday make ur move even if you dont think there are any good oportunities you make a good oportunity dont wuss out on monday be the man have some fun treat it like a game u latin lover

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Okay girlsOMGgirls -


Everything KMT said is great and the other poster as well.


Yes we get nervous. Really nervous.

It is the age - even those that seem sooooo confident have problems with this.


When I was in high school I really didn't have dates with the guys that went to my school. After 17 - I dated guys that went to other schools but still no one from my high school.


Looking back, I guess I may have had some kind of inferiority complex.


In college I started modeling. I grew into myself. I became a lot more confident.


When I went home for a visit, I ran into one of the guys I had REALLY liked in high school. Now, in high school, he never gave me the time of day.


I gave him a welcoming smile when our eyes met and he approached me. We ended up talking all night. He explained that the he had always liked me and that the guys he hung out with said I only dated college guys (it wasn't true).


I wasn't dating college guys and in fact spent many weekends without any dates at all.


We laughed about it. But the point is, you don't know unless you try.

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