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Later in Life

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My story is pretty simple.


I am 20 and have been with my girlfriend for a year and a month. She is my first girlfriend, the first person I have loved.


In school when I started secondary, I was bullied by girls and it made me distance myself from them, not needing it or wanting to hear it.


So upto nowadays, I still get very shy when talking to any new girl, with my girlfriend, and her friend whose brother I have known for a good 10 years being the only two that I can be ok around.


The thing is, I have wondered a lot as to whether my ever growing confidence around girls would change how I feel, it seems bloody stupid to be asking someone else how I feel INSIDE, but I wont be the oldest person here, and wanted the opinions.


When I get older, will it be more likely that the want to actually experience flirting, and want the attention become stronger, seeing as I have tried to keep away from that for a good 6 honest years of knowing what attraction to girls is ??

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