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Started no contact she's calling like crazy

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We broke up well she left me two weeks before Christmas....she said I was to controlling eventhough I paid basically all the bills spoiled her...I just didn't like her to drink because she can't controll her liquor she tends to get violent....so one day she came home grab her things and left rented a room out the whole 9 yards...


After that I was crushed we did spend Christmas Eve together which was nice but after that she really didn't want to bother with me....of course she started partying alot talking to a new guy which wasn't to serious but I knew him he was suppose to be out friend haaa...I just found out about that a couple of days ago....


Well I did everything wrong called her cousin who I'm close to her bestfriend went to her job after she got off everything...told her how much I loved her and wanted her back I would wait for her still wanted to marry her...of course this is the day before I found out she was seeing this guy...


Well on Friday I called to just say Hi she went off on me cursed me out said she didn't like me to leave her alone get out of my life I said okay fine...of course later I called my so called friend about trying to get with my ex....he was scared I was going to kill him...I just told him your not a good friend your really F up..


So Friday night she calls at 1:20 am and says to my voicemail please wake up I need to talk to you please call me I'm calling to wake you up we really need to talk....of course I didn't get this till Saturday around 12:00 by the she called over 20 times to my house and cell phone...Sunday she called like 30 more times it's actually getting scary...and to top it off she made the guy call me he told me they aren't dealing anymore I told him I'm done with both of you...eventhough I love my ex and want her back how long do I keep no contact up? P.S the last message she left she got nasty saying why I'm not picking up her calls now I was trying to get her attention now I don't want to talk.....then she calms down and says I don't want to fight I just want talk to you that's all...


What should I do keep no contact going?

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she sounds like a nutbag. She dumped you , you try and get her back, she says no, and when you oblige her she rings you 30 times a day.


She doesn't want you, she wants attention from you.

There's a huge difference between the two


She sounds really unstable. Keep up with no contact. If she gets you back she will dump u 5 mins later.

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