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I'm Heartbroken HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Well, I posted a message last Saturday (Please respond!!!!)


I broke up with my boyfriend on Saturday morning but we spoke for the next couple days after that but I felt that things didn't look like they were going to be worked out in a way that would make me happy so I finalized us breaking up on Wednesday.


Now I am completly heartbroken, and unfocused,upset, everything (I even missed my midterm because I was so depressed). We've been involved for years and I love him dearly and he loves me but that's not enough to solve our problems which go beyond what I wrote in my previous message.


I'm pretty sure he'll try to get back with me within 2 weeks and I would love to be with him, but happily. I saw a book in Barnes and Nobles that would be very helpful (Men are from mars...,John Grey) and I think his reading it would help to make us BOTH happy in the reationship and also get better insight on women's feelings which he has no clue about.


The problem is, IF he tries to get back with me, how can I get him to read the book, I've seen him pick up 2 books in 5 years, also I've suggested this book before and he rejected that idea, very clearly. Well should I give him an ultimatum or what,because I know he won't be very willing.HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Also thank everyone who offered adivice, you all help me and made me feel better.

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