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Well it's been awhile since I have posted here. I'm not sure if anyone remembers my story. If you don't look up my old posts.

Anyhow the friend I had sex with multiple times, who told me she had feelings also, but now says she never had a crush on me, there was nothing, no love feelings, only feelings for a friendship and who is in a new relationship now.

I am so freakin hurt. I am so angry. I was there for her. Listened to her. Let her move into my house for dirt cheap b.c she was in trouble/ This person who used to be my best friend. We used to be together all of the time. We missed eachother when we weren't around eachother.

Now she has ditched me for her new love (been seeing each other for a little over 3 months.) I never see her and she lives in my house. She stays at her new lovers house. Who is 10 years older than her.

We don't do anyhthing together anymore. SHe doesn't invite me to do sqaut. Ive become paranoid and bit obesseive. I keep asking her if she wants to be friends still. We've had some fall outs. I was hurt. I don't think she understands that.

Wouldnt you all feel the same way if in my situation. I feel neglected. I miss her. It sucks. It hurts she had sex with me but didn't want anything more than a friendship.

SHe keeps telling me she is soo busy with school work and the new lover. That she doesn't do anything at all, even if she did I don't always need to be included. What??? It was never like that before. We always did stuff together. Either i be just the 2 of us or in a grp.

Help. I am depressed. Hurt very deeply. Angry at her for hurting me and for what i perceive as pushing me away and not wanting to be friends with me anymore.

DOnt' fall in love with your friends, dont have sex with your friends or you will be where i am at.

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