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Unsure of the "relationship"

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I'm very confused about my relationship with a girl I met recently. We originally met through an internet dating site and after talking to each other for a couple of days we arranged to go out for a drink. The evening went well I behaved like a gentleman not making any advances at all. 10 minutes after dropping her back at her place I received a text message from her saying that she had a good evening and she really enjoyed herself. I asked her if she fancied going out again a couple of days later and she said yes. That didn't work out after but we spent the whole day talking online instead.


During this time I asked if she had met up anyone else on-line (Why do us guys do this?). she said that whilst she had talked to a couple of other guys, I was the only one she had met up with. Since then we have been out a couple more times and we've had some good times, but whilst we flirt with each other through our body language and how we talk to ecah other we still haven't made any "physical contact" (kissing, holding hands, arms round each other etc).


So I'm just curious if anyone can help shed some light on the situation. Are we just friends or are we moving towards something else?

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I would gather that since you met at a "dating" site that underlying issue has already been addressed. If you met at an online "friendship" site than I would ask these very questions.

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Perhaps she is waiting for you to make the first move. You could try small things like brushing up aginst her arm or patting her on the back...see what she does, if she's interested she will show you.

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