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valentine's day from an ex

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hey guys,


do you think its weird if a b/f receives a happy v-day text or call from an ex or he calls her on that day? I'm not sure if this is even going to happen or not(and its something i probably shouldnt be bothered worrying about)..and i probably wont see my b/f til the night time on valentine's day but i cant help but think will that stupid ex text him like she did on new years eve..does this usually happen to others? is that something i should be ok over? i am not gonna ask him on v-day about it or at all but i was just wondering if this is something that would generally bother others?

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If they are friends then friends calling each other on New Years is fine, but v-day?


V-day in my book is kept to familiars or suitors.

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personally I feel if two people do not have children together why should they keep in such close contact?

I overheard mine telling his ex wife to have a happy Valentines Day and I hit the roof!Its a romantic day for lovers not a day for ex's.

Sorry but I would hate the idea of these text messages coming through all the time,he sounds like he is very confused.

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