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Mr. Right....or am I Mr. Wrong??

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I know that most women always dream about the chilverous male who puts his fair maiden out of danger before he does himself. Well, I live and die by that, always thinking that some lucky girl can experience a dream that she has. Well, if I went through the things I've done for my most recent girlfriend, I would get all the ooh's and ahh's. If you really want to know, I guess that's why they put an email address in here...anyway why is it that no matter how much time and energy you put into something, the almighty threat of distance can change anything. I'm kind, funny, I think good looking..lol....but no matter what I do, being 1000 miles away...it may have not been enough. She needs the physical presence, and she loves me when I'm there, but another guy showed interest in her, and she took heart in it. What can I do?? Should I just say oh well and hope I get back to her soon?? Or should I say, why give to someone what I can't get back?? Need help here...appreciate all that can....thank you!!

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You have to decide for yourself whether or not she's 'worth it' to you.


From what you've said it sounds like you're an awesome guy that any woman would be lucky to have. you just have to decide if she's the one for you. If she can't handle being that far away from you, maybe you should call it quits.


I know i didn't say much really, but you just have to trust your heart. Best of luck!

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I was just coming in looking for the same kid of advice - but from the other side - y'know - kind hearted woman loyally waiting for her man to return home, valiantly pushing aside would be suitors etc ... and am starting to wonder if it is really worth it - so from my point of view in answer to your question.... I'm sorry but it is true, physical contact is something I miss desperately, not nec' the sex but having strong arms around you to comfort and protect etc :)


...and you say that you have done everything right - is that from your point of view or from hers? Have you told her exactly where you see your future together or that you have a future together, that you are trying to organise it that you will be together again soon - so the break is not indefinate.. do you tell her you love her and miss her all of the time (like once a day via email - or on the phone at least a couple of times a week), do you write to her and tell her what you are thinking so that mentally and emotionally you don't drift apart? or do you just think (as my partner seems to) that she should be able to read your mind and know all of these things without being told ALL of the time? Speaking from my own point of view woman need to hear these things all of the time - most especially when you are apart, you need to be able to wrap her safely up in love from a distance because she doesn't have your physical prescence anymore :) It is soo soo important to say all of that stuff, to really make an effort to make her feel safe and loved and secure in the relationship even though you are apart.


And if you have been doing all of that and she has still found comfort in someone else then I guess you just have to tell yourself it wasn't meant to be - sorry.


Good luck *hugs* :)

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