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Where do I belong????


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I feel as if I don't belong anywhere or to do anything. On a daily basis I am so frustrated and discusted that I don't know what to do with my life and what my purpose is. I am not very religious, but I talk to god every now and again and I feel like I am wasting time, his time, my time because I can't find my cause in life. It seems like people in my family have had it easy. One cousin, has never worked, gotten into 2 college one being a free scholarship the other a small loan, and he landed a job as a guidance couselor for $60,000. It just bothers me because I haven't found my calling. I don't know. Just venting.

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Why not utilize your cousin's guidance councilling skills, and let him guide you? :p sorry, was too easy.



I wasted a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of patience doing something that wasn't meant for me. I had to face the dissapointment of my family when I told them I was leaving university part way through a bachelor of science degree to "find myself". I took a year off, got a horrible job as a chambermaid at a hotel, which gave me the kick in the ass I needed to figure out I needed something better in my life.


I took a serious look at what I wanted from a career. For me, it was something that would provide a creative outlet, but was also intellectually stimulating. I did a lot of research, talked to some career councillors and decided to go into architecture. It was the right move for me, I have found my niche, and I can honestly say it was worth the time and the debt, because had I gone into it when I was younger, I probably wouldn't have been as focussed and determined and wouldn't have done as well as I have.


Make a list of things you want to obtain, no matter how silly they sound, and get in touch with an employment agency in your area. Just like anything in life, you are more apt to focus and succeed if you have to earn your way there.


Good luck!

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I feel as if I don't belong anywhere or to do anything. On a daily basis I am so frustrated and discusted that I don't know what to do with my life and what my purpose is. I am not very religious, but I talk to god every now and again and I feel like I am wasting time, his time, my time because I can't find my cause in life. It seems like people in my family have had it easy. One cousin, has never worked, gotten into 2 college one being a free scholarship the other a small loan, and he landed a job as a guidance couselor for $60,000. It just bothers me because I haven't found my calling. I don't know. Just venting.


I can't help, but I wish you good luck.


I wasted a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of patience doing something that wasn't meant for me. I had to face the dissapointment of my family when I told them I was leaving university part way through a bachelor of science degree to "find myself". I took a year off, got a horrible job as a chambermaid at a hotel, which gave me the kick in the ass I needed to figure out I needed something better in my life.


I took a serious look at what I wanted from a career. For me, it was something that would provide a creative outlet, but was also intellectually stimulating. I did a lot of research, talked to some career councillors and decided to go into architecture. It was the right move for me, I have found my niche, and I can honestly say it was worth the time and the debt, because had I gone into it when I was younger, I probably wouldn't have been as focussed and determined and wouldn't have done as well as I have.


Make a list of things you want to obtain, no matter how silly they sound, and get in touch with an employment agency in your area. Just like anything in life, you are more apt to focus and succeed if you have to earn your way there.


Good luck!


Sounds great Konfuzd! Did 'finding yourself' help? I'm considering doing something of that nature.


What sort of research was involved in what you did? This is definitely one of the most interesting posts I've seen in a while.

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What sort of research was involved in what you did?


The internet is a wonderful tool, it's not just for message boards and porn!! :p


My search really started when I realized I hated getting up in the morning, I was so focussed on getting through each day, so I could drink the nights away. I was really wasting my life. I made a list of all the things I hated about my job, then things I wanted out of a career, and entered them into google. Things like "creative field", "entry level salaries", "career recognition"


I went to local colleges, picked up course catalogues, got in touch with career councillors, and found out about employment rates post graduation, talked to a few instructors, toured the classroooms and such.


I contacted prospective employers, talked to people in human resources, employees, and often the presidents of the companies. I asked questions about turn over rates and what qualities they look for in their employees.


Location wasn't an issue for me, so I did job hunts using monster.com and other websites to find out what kind of jobs were available, and the estimated salaries.


It sounds like a lot of work, but all this happened slowly over the course of a year, and I found something I was really excited about. So, I guess for your other question, yeah 'finding myself' definately helped, and I am a totally different person now than when I started all of this.


I hope some of this helps you.... good luck!

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The internet is a wonderful tool, it's not just for message boards and porn!! :p


Dayum. Given my experiences over the last several years, I'd found the internet was 100% worthless for finding jobs. Maybe I should try it again (maybe things have changed recently?).


My search really started when I realized I hated getting up in the morning, I was so focussed on getting through each day, so I could drink the nights away. I was really wasting my life. I made a list of all the things I hated about my job, then things I wanted out of a career, and entered them into google. Things like "creative field", "entry level salaries", "career recognition"

Thanks, konfuzd. This I actually haven't tried. How did you get a good idea of what you liked in your (intended) career?


I went to local colleges, picked up course catalogues, got in touch with career councillors, and found out about employment rates post graduation, talked to a few instructors, toured the classroooms and such.


I contacted prospective employers, talked to people in human resources, employees, and often the presidents of the companies. I asked questions about turn over rates and what qualities they look for in their employees.


Location wasn't an issue for me, so I did job hunts using monster.com and other websites to find out what kind of jobs were available, and the estimated salaries.


It sounds like a lot of work, but all this happened slowly over the course of a year, and I found something I was really excited about. So, I guess for your other question, yeah 'finding myself' definately helped, and I am a totally different person now than when I started all of this.


I hope some of this helps you.... good luck!

Thank you for sharing your experiences, konfuzd. It's much appreciated.


Wow. Things must have changed in some locations then. I'd found that college and the career counselors there, online job boards, and the like were a complete and total waste of time, year after year.


Contacting the presidents of companies sounds like a good idea. I haven't tried that (or asking about turnover).

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How did you get a good idea of what you liked in your (intended) career?


I made a list of things I like to do in my spare time (for me it was painting, photography, reading). Then, I listed things I wanted out of a career. I wanted to utilize my artistic and academic skills. I wanted something rewarding, something that wouldn't become routine. It was a few years ago now, so I don't remember exactly what was on the list.


The college councillor I talked to was very helpful. I took the list to him, and he suggested a range of career options. From there, I went ahead and made my choice.


I ended up getting my current job in the middle of my final semester of university. I contacted an architectural firm in the area I wanted to move to, and very briefly stated that I was a student, the company website caught my attention, said I'd be interested in touring their operation to see what kind of environment I can expect to work in when I graduate, and if they could spare an hour or two, I'd like to ask a few questions about their operation. The e-mail reached the president of the company, and he invited me to have a tour of the office, and by the end of it, he said there would be a job waiting for me in 2 months if I wanted it!


Sometimes, it just takes meeting the right person at the right time and some initiative.


What are some of the goals for your career, and your life in general?

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I made a list of things I like to do in my spare time (for me it was painting, photography, reading). Then, I listed things I wanted out of a career. I wanted to utilize my artistic and academic skills. I wanted something rewarding, something that wouldn't become routine. It was a few years ago now, so I don't remember exactly what was on the list.


The college councillor I talked to was very helpful. I took the list to him, and he suggested a range of career options. From there, I went ahead and made my choice.


I ended up getting my current job in the middle of my final semester of university. I contacted an architectural firm in the area I wanted to move to, and very briefly stated that I was a student, the company website caught my attention, said I'd be interested in touring their operation to see what kind of environment I can expect to work in when I graduate, and if they could spare an hour or two, I'd like to ask a few questions about their operation. The e-mail reached the president of the company, and he invited me to have a tour of the office, and by the end of it, he said there would be a job waiting for me in 2 months if I wanted it!


Sometimes, it just takes meeting the right person at the right time and some initiative.


What are some of the goals for your career, and your life in general?


Thanks a lot, Konfuzd, and congratulations!


I'll try making that sort of list.


My main goal in my career is to find something else other than what I am doing (I'm getting tired of coding, and I never was that talented a programmer) that I can realistically excel in, and make the money I make work for me in real terms. It'd be good to have enough time to be able to keep in shape and socialize with friends in a fashion that doesn't necessitate too much blending of work and life.


Life in general...well...this definitely will take a lot of introspection.


Thanks again.

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I went through several careers/women/lives before I sort of figured it out. It takes trail and error, if you are not willing to risk anything then you will never gain anything. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is what makes you happy. What do you want to do today? Don't dwell on your "purpose" so much and just try to do what makes you happy. F**k everyones easy break in life, they never had to work for anything and will never appreciate anything.

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