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I'm in a 3 years relationship is my girlfriend seeing someone else?

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I have a girlfriend who i've been dating for more than 2 years now and i been having thoughts that she's cheating on me...Ive been feeling this way through her actions with her new supposely "Best Friend" that she been talking to for about a month now but this new best friend supposely knows her since middle school from what she said??? let me explain the signs that i've been seeing....


1) she lied to me about her going to the movies with her friend who's a girl and later confessed that she went with her "best friend" Emsyl, which is the guy im talking about.


2) She talks 24/7 on the phone with him in my own house infront of my eyes because she lives with me, and laughs and looks like she feels way better conversating with him than she ever would with me.


3) She sometimes talks in "code" with him on the phone when im around for example she knows i would get mad if she tries to go hang out with him so she would say something like " you know why..I can't, ima try to call you back" i dont know about that but it sounds like the guy was asking her out to me...


4) Whenever she's on the phone with Emsyl she would stay in my room while i stay downstairs in the living room watching T.V and when i go upstairs to check up on her and by the time i reach the door knob..i hear her cell phone snap shut really fast after i just heard her speaking with somebody on the phone...(this occured more than twice) and her excuse was "It accidently close when i was trying to open the door for you." and if i say that your lieing to me she would dose off and start ignoring me...


5) Ive confronted her about how i feel but she says that she's allow to have friends that are guys and that i cant be telling her that she can't hangout with him.. and when i say bad stuff about the guy she gets rebellious over him... and I tried talking with the guy over the phone and he seemed really uncomfortable and would'nt wanna answer my questions. he even answer some questions about if he was hanging out with her earlier in the day and he said "Yes, we did" and my girl was lieing to me the whole time that she was'nt hanging with him earlier so i caught her on another lie.


6) Im raised in a preety bad and ghetto area which is in D.C and i was raised preety bad and ****ed up and my girlfriend is one of those girls who really try to be ghetto and just tries so much to fit in with the rest of the crew which i have no problem with but sometimes she tries to fight me with her own fists and im not a guy to hit girls but she pushes me, punches me and pulls my shirt and screams and stuff and the reaction that comes to my head is to "knock her ass out" because she really got balls to hit me so she got balls to get one back... the reason i speak of this is because im trying to give an image of what she sometimes does when she gets mad at me...and that's what she tryed to do when i confronted the guy over the phone.


7) And the last sign is today while im writting this, this very moment she is out supposely with her family the day before Valentine's Day on a special dinner and the person who gave her a ride to her cousin's house is her "Best Friend" supposely "Emsyl" and all she said to me was " dont worry so much boo i'm not gonna go out with him he's just giving me a ride up there" while she was looking so much at the mirror and trying to really look preety and even was checking out her own butt, she even kept on asking me what she should wear? And i can honestly say that I've never in my life seen her try to look so preety just to go out to eat with her "FAMILY".


So yeah those are the signs, so please can you guys tell me your most honost opinion about the situation.... PLEASE!!!!!

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I think it is pretty obvious that she is cheating on you. Open your eyes. If the roles were reversed, do you honestly think she would put up with such disrespect and humiliation from you? It is so obvious. Do you really need to have a piano fall on your head? Her actions indicate she has very little respect for you and your relationship.

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I'll side with the others, something is going on and she left you at home.


2-3 years, well if she is not on the lease, give her 1 week to move in with her new friend.


Time to move on. yes it is mean but it is "business" now.

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Tell her to leave.If she asks why just say well your not being honest and your lying to me.Thats a god enough reason to leave anyone i think!You cant have a relationship if one of you isnt being honest and is sneaking around.

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You've said this twice today - what does that mean?


I tend to think it means that he is hiding his face in his palms, a gesture meant to display hopelessness, disgust, shame, despair...either that or he is sneezing? Its quite cute, I must point out.

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I have a girlfriend who i've been dating for more than 2 years now and i been having thoughts that she's cheating on me...Ive been feeling this way through her actions with her new supposely "Best Friend" that she been talking to for about a month now but this new best friend supposely knows her since middle school from what she said??? let me explain the signs that i've been seeing....


1) she lied to me about her going to the movies with her friend who's a girl and later confessed that she went with her "best friend" Emsyl, which is the guy im talking about.


2) She talks 24/7 on the phone with him in my own house infront of my eyes because she lives with me, and laughs and looks like she feels way better conversating with him than she ever would with me.


3) She sometimes talks in "code" with him on the phone when im around for example she knows i would get mad if she tries to go hang out with him so she would say something like " you know why..I can't, ima try to call you back" i dont know about that but it sounds like the guy was asking her out to me...


4) Whenever she's on the phone with Emsyl she would stay in my room while i stay downstairs in the living room watching T.V and when i go upstairs to check up on her and by the time i reach the door knob..i hear her cell phone snap shut really fast after i just heard her speaking with somebody on the phone...(this occured more than twice) and her excuse was "It accidently close when i was trying to open the door for you." and if i say that your lieing to me she would dose off and start ignoring me...


5) Ive confronted her about how i feel but she says that she's allow to have friends that are guys and that i cant be telling her that she can't hangout with him.. and when i say bad stuff about the guy she gets rebellious over him... and I tried talking with the guy over the phone and he seemed really uncomfortable and would'nt wanna answer my questions. he even answer some questions about if he was hanging out with her earlier in the day and he said "Yes, we did" and my girl was lieing to me the whole time that she was'nt hanging with him earlier so i caught her on another lie.


6) Im raised in a preety bad and ghetto area which is in D.C and i was raised preety bad and ****ed up and my girlfriend is one of those girls who really try to be ghetto and just tries so much to fit in with the rest of the crew which i have no problem with but sometimes she tries to fight me with her own fists and im not a guy to hit girls but she pushes me, punches me and pulls my shirt and screams and stuff and the reaction that comes to my head is to "knock her ass out" because she really got balls to hit me so she got balls to get one back... the reason i speak of this is because im trying to give an image of what she sometimes does when she gets mad at me...and that's what she tryed to do when i confronted the guy over the phone.


7) And the last sign is today while im writting this, this very moment she is out supposely with her family the day before Valentine's Day on a special dinner and the person who gave her a ride to her cousin's house is her "Best Friend" supposely "Emsyl" and all she said to me was " dont worry so much boo i'm not gonna go out with him he's just giving me a ride up there" while she was looking so much at the mirror and trying to really look preety and even was checking out her own butt, she even kept on asking me what she should wear? And i can honestly say that I've never in my life seen her try to look so preety just to go out to eat with her "FAMILY".


So yeah those are the signs, so please can you guys tell me your most honost opinion about the situation.... PLEASE!!!!!


She has joined the other women in the US that are falling into popular (Cheat on my S/O) fad.


Dump her as*, and find a better broad.

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You've said this twice today - what does that mean?


It's when you drop your head into your cupped hands... typically accompanied by phrases such as "good lord" "oh geez" "how can you not see..." or "what was I thinking"

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Salicious Crumb
1) Yes she's cheating on you.


2) You know it too. Why else would you ask us?


3) Dump her. Move on. Repeat.


I concur with Sevenmack...been there done that, don't want that...don't need that...you dont need her.


Dump her an move on.


The signs are too obvious. Her lying about where she was and who she was with is enough.

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Im raised in a preety bad and ghetto area which is in D.C and i was raised preety bad and ****ed up


I think you know what's hapening and I think you know it's time to move on.


It's pretty obvious this young lady is not your type.

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Hey what's up my name is Niki and I am from the DC area myself. I just want to say where have you been all my life. hahahha :)

I mean here it is I"m going through all of this crap with men and I lived in a preety ruff neighborhood before on 18th street, but I"m now living in Upstate NY. Well anyways enough about me, you know she is not right for you and I'm not saying this to be mean or anything like that. It's just that I'm a female who is from the city and know how us women roll. Look if I'm looking in the mirror at myself and MY BUTT....that means this ain't for my family. It means I'm trying to look good for that man....you feel me??


1. You are very nice to let her talk to another man in your presence, whether he's a best friend or not. Normally guys who are from the ghetto don't let that type of stuff happen unless the best friend is a faggy.


2. Maybe she wants you to be a little more aggressive to the situation. What I mean by that is some girls like drama and if you don't bring it for some odd reason she thinks you don't care. Them type of women you don't need in your life. Because see she figures because you from that area that you going to bring what she wants and that is DRAMA.


3. Watch out for her because she seems like the type to sleep with your boys.


4. Obviously she has some insecurities with herself, so pay her no mind and play the game right along with her. Go out with another girl, or just break it off. The way I see it she is using you just for some where to live.


Anyways I hope you get this message and if you do keep your head up and keep being a good man. You are really representing baby. :)

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