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I am a 22 year old graduate student and I have been told by many that I am very beautiful. The problem is I have a boyfriend who lives in Canada and I live here in the States almost 5,000 miles away from him. I know he loves me very much, but lately we just don't seem to be able to get along at all. We constantly fight. I think we may be growing apart, also I think I need to mature a bit. I need to find out who I am. I am the only child of two parents who dote on me and are unyieldingly overprotective. I have been contenplating moving out( I can afford it my assistanships would allpw me to do this). I need to find out who I am and sometimes I thinkmy boyfriend takes advantage of the fact that I love him so much and he says ugly things which he later appologizes for, but they hurt just the same. Anyway, there is a lot to this story I just can't type it all on this page. Help me or e-mail for more info. thanks

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I can really relate. I am the youngest in my family and have always been pampered. When my boyfriend and I got together he took over, spoiling and taking care of anything that went wrong. Just a few months ago I moved away from my family and boyfriend. It has helped me get to know myself and trust that I can take care of things on my own. My boyfriend and I get along much better when we are together now, than we ever have before. I really feel like he respects me more and see's me as an independent young lady rather than a helpless, spoiled child. So I say move out. Get some cool roomates and have fun. Your parents will probably appreciate it too. If you hate it, you can always move back home, so why not give it a try. Best of luck.

I am a 22 year old graduate student and I have been told by many that I am very beautiful. The problem is I have a boyfriend who lives in Canada and I live here in the States almost 5,000 miles away from him. I know he loves me very much, but lately we just don't seem to be able to get along at all. We constantly fight. I think we may be growing apart, also I think I need to mature a bit. I need to find out who I am. I am the only child of two parents who dote on me and are unyieldingly overprotective. I have been contenplating moving out( I can afford it my assistanships would allpw me to do this). I need to find out who I am and sometimes I thinkmy boyfriend takes advantage of the fact that I love him so much and he says ugly things which he later appologizes for, but they hurt just the same. Anyway, there is a lot to this story I just can't type it all on this page. Help me or e-mail for more info. thanks
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