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how to tell her..

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aright well ive known to this girl for a few months now and shes been telling me about so many problems and ive been there for her as best as i can bcuz i have feelings for her. i got her flowers because she said she was sad. but then maybe 3 days after i got her flowers she was flirting with some guys in front of me during gym class even though we werent dating it bothered me so i ignored her but eventually got over it. on top of that i hear that she ****ed this guy in a cab on the way to school and im thinking i really like this girl alot but shes so frustating. so i asked her out like twice but each time she kept saying she wasnt ready for a serious relationship but i eventually asked her out i told her that i didnt wanna be just friends so we we started going out. she broke up with me after three days because she said she wasnt ready for a serious reltioship and that she went out wit me cuz she didnt want to lose me as a friend (she has been sayin she wasnt ready but i realy like her and cudnt help it) i think she wants to be sex buddies i just dont know how to tell her i feel the sameway now



aright a little bit more shes had really bad relationships in the past and i keep telling her i dont want to hurt her and that i just wanna be there for her i honestly did not wanna to just have sex but i think thats what she wants. and if thats what she wants then im down with that i just dont know how to tell her that im down to be a sex buddies she still thinks im more serious relationshipyy btw we are both in high school

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Dont go there. She sounds like baaaaad news.

You will only get your heart broken. She sounds like a skank anyways.


Man kids have moved on "sex" buddies in high school? Good grief.

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She sounds like a skank anyways.


I'm curious SB129.. Which part of the OP makes you think of the girl as a skank ?


He did say he THINKS that may be what she wants from him but he isn't sure..

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Well, maybe I am being harsh.

But the incident in the cab on the way to school is a little..... ??? can't find the right word without being rude.

I admit to misreading OP.. thought it was her that just wanted to be sex buddies not him.

But even that shocks me! In high school??? What happened to a sneaky snog and holding hands at lunchtime? Call me oldfashioned.... I am not even that old!

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In which case I will revise my advice. OP- high school girls rarely just want to be "sex buddies". If you don't want to hurt her, don't sleep together until you know where you stand with eachother. Talk to her. If you are just going to be friends, then just be friends. If you are going to be in a relationship, make sure youboth know what that means IE not getting off with/ flirting with other people. I don't know, things are soooooooooo different from when I was in school.

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yeah i understand where your coming from calling her a skank after that incident but i like her and my problem was how to convey to her that if she wants to be sex buddies that im down with that to

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I think being sex buddies is a bad idea. Its almost impossible for two people to have a regular sexual relationship without one person getting emotionally involved- this leads to confusion and potential for hurt.

And it sounds like that person will be you, because you really like her.


And from experience, high school girls who have sex with guys they aren't emotionally involved with can end up with bad self esteems/ problems later on. Not to mention the possibilities of STDs/unwanted pregnancies etc.


If you are down with "just being sex buddies", it sounds like you are settling for the second best option. Is that what you want?


If I were you, I wouldn't tell her you aer ok with just being sex buddies, because she might get offended. If you are friends, thats cool. If there is a chance you could be more than friends, take it slowly! Its not all about sex!

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i know its not just about sex but if thats what she wants then im cool with its just hard to be regular friends cuz i want her and i know she likes me she doesnt act wierd

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dude... am trying to tell you that she probably won't want "just sex" with you.


Talk to her.... and don't stress so much. You are still so young..

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am actually ignoring her for awhile cuz shes like saying its my fault everyone in the school is calling her a bitch for breakin up with me and im like i said nothing people just noticed that she dumped me. I dont know all my friends who are girls dont want me to go out with her because they keep sayin im to good for her but i like her. And not to brag or anything but i got her flowers just cuz she said she was sad to show her that i care about her an shes just ......

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