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I say the stupidest things...


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Hi there,


I've checked out some other posts similar to this but my issue is a little different...but sorry if this is a repeat. Lately i've started liking this girl but whenever i'm with her i always say the stupidest things. Not cute stupid or anything inappropriate, but idiotic stupid. Like if we're having a conversation, i may blurt out something childish or not cool. Also there are times when I don't really know what to talk about and theres this silence that is really awkward. I know people say be yourself, but I need to get out of this habit of saying these stupid things.


Please help!

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Sounds like you get nervous around her. The trick is not to build her up so much in your mind like she's a special goddess or something. Think of her as your friend, just like any other friend.


The long silences can be broken by asking her questions. People usually like to talk about themselves, so asking her about herself will give you something to talk about, and it will give you a chance to get to know her better. Listen to her answers, and ask follow up questions.


Talk about movies, music she likes, where she dreams of going on vacation, her family, her dog, anything.

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I know what you mean, I always end up saying something stupid. A woman I really like asked me over for a meal (back last autumn), she's a vegetarian and I'm definately not one - i really enjoyed the food and the company - so what did I say when i'd finished - "that was quite nice!" - I dont think she was impressed!! I also have a terrible habit of repeating myself - she just makes a joke about it now! and she's still talking to me. So you're not alone, and norajane advice is good for the silences - asking questions - shows interest in her then - its just trying to think of a sensible question.....


good luck.

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