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do you think he's flirting with me?

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hey there, my first post. so i've been working at this place part time for about 5 months now and have quite quickly developed this big crush on my supervisor. he's about 10 years older than me, and in a relationship. i'm also in a relationship but my partner (who is also a woman) and i have an open relationship and often sleep with other people.


my crush and i have lots in common and joke around a bit at work. i'm just trying to see whether he flirts with me or whether it's just playful 'friend' behaviour, and maybe he acts the way he does because he may not suspect i like him (because i'm pretty sure he just assumes i'm a lesbian).


but anyways.... there's been a few work drinks and at the last one he was being pretty attentive. we all went to 4 different locations, and at each one sat next to each other. he bought me a drink and kept on doing that touching of the arm and at one point put his hand on my leg when he was making a joke with me. he sometimes comes into the office where i am and just asks how things are going.


i'm pretty sure that he and his gf are monogamous, but there's a possibility they're open too. i guess i'd just be really keen to pursue something, but don't want to mess up the working relationship or come across like a fool, particularly as i'm a lot younger and he is my supervisor.


but yes, is there any way of finding that info out about his relationship, and also, how would i go about communicating to him that i want to sleep with him.


i'm thinking about him lots and i just would really really love it if something happened.



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