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Need a REAL date; respond please


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Will someone please tell me what happened to dating? It seems like all the guys my friends and I meet are lazy when it comes to dating. They want to do as little as posible to get you to sleep with them. They will invite you to their house or ask you to meet them at a party, if your lucky they might take you to one movie. What ever happen to a nice dinner or dancing? What ever happen to going out and trying to get to know a person? My friends and I agree that a good date doesn't have to be about how much money a guy spends but how creative and interested he seems to be. I am 22 and I know alot of other girls my age are experiencing this. If thats you write back. If you used to have this problem and found a way around it, write back. If your a guy, write back. I need answers.

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Don't really know what to tell you here. I've taken girls on canoe trips, hot air balloon rides, camping trips, hikes, and things like that but it seems like the only thing anyone is interested in anymore is going out to bars, parties, or clubs and getting it on afterwards. Pretty much everyone I know in the 20-24 age group is perfectly happy with things being that way. It kinda frustrates me since I'm much more intersted in getting into a real relationship than I am a night's action but I guess that's "old fashioned" thinking now. So from a guy's perspective we can run into the same problem and I'll also be interested in seeing if anyone has an answer on why things are like this.

Will someone please tell me what happened to dating? It seems like all the guys my friends and I meet are lazy when it comes to dating. They want to do as little as posible to get you to sleep with them. They will invite you to their house or ask you to meet them at a party, if your lucky they might take you to one movie. What ever happen to a nice dinner or dancing? What ever happen to going out and trying to get to know a person? My friends and I agree that a good date doesn't have to be about how much money a guy spends but how creative and interested he seems to be. I am 22 and I know alot of other girls my age are experiencing this. If thats you write back. If you used to have this problem and found a way around it, write back. If your a guy, write back. I need answers.
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"They want to do as little as posible to get you to sleep with them." So You want them to do as many things as possibe to get you on bed. In other words, you would sleep with them if they spend more on you.


What happened to women's equal rights? Is that not in dating? Why do want to put pressure on them? For a change, you take them to party or movie? Don't you know where the theater is or where the party happens?



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You missed my point. First of all, even if a guy takes me out all the time and spends lots of money on me that doesn't mean I'm going to sleep with him. What I'm saying is that it seems to me that dating has become all about sex when it should really be about getting to know more about someone that your interested in and having a good time with your date. Secondly, I have no problem taking a guy out, if I am interested in getting to know him. My question is why do guys act like they're interested in me but don't want to put any effort in getting to know me. Thats all it takes, just a little effort. I live in a city that millions of tourist flock to every year because there is so much to do here and great weather to do it in and I would like to take advantage of being so close to all of these fun places (that don't all cost money) but it seems like the guys I meet would rather sit around the house and drink beer. I just don't get it.

"They want to do as little as posible to get you to sleep with them." So You want them to do as many things as possibe to get you on bed. In other words, you would sleep with them if they spend more on you. What happened to women's equal rights? Is that not in dating? Why do want to put pressure on them? For a change, you take them to party or movie? Don't you know where the theater is or where the party happens? -Multipleboy
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