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Intuition and gut feeling without evidence tells me he cheated..!? Believe or not??

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:eek:Ok I know my mind can go bonkers sometimes and read too much into things and BLOW everything out of porportion...And most of the time I am doubting myself and not really getting that gut feeling and more of just a fear of being hurt and all. But, this time I felt something wrong..I felt like I was being mislead..and shadiness in the air before hand...during..and after. Ok well here it is...YOU TELL ME...:confused:


My boyfriend was getting ready to go help a friend with his computer and before he left I knew something was not right..like that was only part of the truth..Well he left and from that moment I started to worry and felt he was going to cheat or meet some chick..So I went to this site and they had a oracle game called "yes or no...thumbs up or down". So I asked it questions and it hit all that I was feeling head on..


For example...:cool:


I asked if my boyfriend was sleeping around. It said "no"..

I asked another question..Is my boyfriend chatting or talking to other chicks online..it said "yes".

Then I asked if my bf was thinking about cheating on me and sleepin with other females..it said "yes".

So then I asked it "the past few times he went out did he lie about where he was going" and it said "yes.

Then I asked it...Is he with a female right now..It said "yes".

I asked is it.."is she from online...it said "no".

I asked is she from his past?. and it said "yes".

I asked do I know her and it said "yes".

Then get this....I ASKED is he going to sleep with her/sex tonight and it said "yes"...............



:mad:....He got home almost 6am next morning and when I asked him where he had been..., ...he just looked at me and gave me no response...and with the look in his eyes as if he knew I already found out...lets just say guilt seemed to follow him around that day...well today actually lol...that sucks huh.. And he is not a guilt feeling type of guy...usually he is a ******* and kinda inconsiderate of others sensitive feelings...and when I am nagging at him and insecure usually he will tell me and put me in reality mode...BUT NOT THIS TIME.


So you see I always felt before last night that he was seeing an ex or someone in his past...... but, he hadn't slept with her yet...just hanging out..more and more..so the yes or no game confirmed what I thought way before hand and doubted myself on..but because they had not had sex yet or he never acted different or guilty I couldnt put my finger on it until now ...it all makes sense if I only would of listened to my gut way earlier..but, oh well..THIS JUST MEANS i AM NOT CRAZY LMAO AND CLUES ARE EVERYTHING...:laugh:


And the whole taped played out in my feelings before he even left that night...gut feeling...the tarot just helped confirm as a guide...I have done them before and it always turned out true or as a warning..:sick:


Believe what your first thought is or how your gut feeling is telling you..even if it is not all true it could be a warning for something...... bigger to come..intuition is an alert or flag that something is wrong.:bunny:


I don't have evidence that would really stand up in court or whatever..only phone numbers on his cell phone or leaving and staying away for hours here and there..and some internet tracking of looking up old friends....see another clue or hint to confirm lol..but, I don't need it actions and behavior and some proof are enough..


:eek:People if you are out there doubting your mate..thier is a reason of why..don't make excuses for them and doubt yourself..unless you are just way insecure and jelous then you need evidence lol


God enough already lol..Ok done I hope it all made sense..let me know what you think...Am I pycho or just pisces..insecure...emotional..and live in a dillussional world...hahaha..don't mind my spelling hee hee


bye............POOF :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


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I had many "gut feelings" that things weren't as they seemed. I just tossed them aside thinking that everything was fine and it was just my imagination.

Well, after almost 7 years (my ex broke up w/ me in Dec.) I just found out tonight that he was cheating on me for a good couple of years.

Always trust your gut. If something doesn't seem right, it's probably not.

Live and learn, I guess.


So, what are you going to do? Are you staying or leaving?

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I hear u, I just went through a similar situation.I'm 7mnths pregnant and my boyfriend cheated on me!!! I always had that gut feeling.., but thinking I loved him and couldn't stand being without him, I would stupidly justify his acts.Now that I know everything, I can look back and all the hints just pop up!!!

Always trust your gut, If u feel something is wrong, you're probably right! The longer we try to pretend nothing is wrong the more we suffer, I'm glad I found out, and he's out of our life!

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I think there's a lot to be said for intuition. However, they can be wrong.


I'd ask him point-blank where he was and what he was doing. There's obviously something going on that's getting your intuition talking. Maybe he disappears more than usual, or doesn't tell you what he's doing, or something. Especially if you live together, he should have called if he was going to disappear until 6 in the morning.


You could also say, "Are you cheating on me?" You'll know. The downside is that if the answer is no, you could get him pretty mad. I'm all for honesty.

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I think there's a lot to be said for intuition. However, they can be wrong.


I'd ask him point-blank where he was and what he was doing. There's obviously something going on that's getting your intuition talking. Maybe he disappears more than usual, or doesn't tell you what he's doing, or something. Especially if you live together, he should have called if he was going to disappear until 6 in the morning.


You could also say, "Are you cheating on me?" You'll know. The downside is that if the answer is no, you could get him pretty mad. I'm all for honesty.


:sick: Yes Missdeathwish... I have always said what was on my mind and probably most of the time shouldn't of...I am insecure with him from the get go...The only thing is I think I felt something shady from the start but couldn't pin point it. He isn't telling me something and is hiding something...girls..gambling...etc....But, he is so good at setting my mind at ease...Most of the time I am unsure and I feel like a insecure, jealous girlfriend that has lost her mind..But, this last time wasn't like that at all...I know something went down and as you can see I guess I am still unsure or in denial again lol..I am still with him...



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I hear u, I just went through a similar situation.I'm 7mnths pregnant and my boyfriend cheated on me!!! I always had that gut feeling.., but thinking I loved him and couldn't stand being without him, I would stupidly justify his acts.Now that I know everything, I can look back and all the hints just pop up!!!

Always trust your gut, If u feel something is wrong, you're probably right! The longer we try to pretend nothing is wrong the more we suffer, I'm glad I found out, and he's out of our life!


:( Wow that must of hurt especially being pregnant and all...Thank God no kids here..Is the dad in or going to be your child's life at all?? Or did he split all together?



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I had many "gut feelings" that things weren't as they seemed. I just tossed them aside thinking that everything was fine and it was just my imagination.

Well, after almost 7 years (my ex broke up w/ me in Dec.) I just found out tonight that he was cheating on me for a good couple of years.

Always trust your gut. If something doesn't seem right, it's probably not.

Live and learn, I guess.


So, what are you going to do? Are you staying or leaving?



:oWell do you have those days when you feel strong and sure and can do what your mind tells you and not your heart?? And your feelings for the guy are more like anger and rage then love lol???


:confused: Well, lets just say I am confused ..I know something is up and it is dark.. I live with him and currently unemployed due to him..and he is supporting me like I did once him..no evidence that is concrete and don't want to be homeless..I will kick back for now and just pay attention to the signs for now..


Did I mention he is Scorpio lol

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I had exactly the same thing - intuition about him cheating, and we even had a long standing joke where I would ask him about his 'other girlfriend' and he would describe this 'imaginary' woman. That's a lot less funny now that I discovered recently that he cheated big time. I found out through his phone diary, where I was listed to come over, say, Monday and Tuesday and she would be there Wednday and Thursday. I wonder if she knows?




I am not saying that it isn't possible that your intuition is wrong and that he might be innocent, but only that I think it means your subconcious knows that -something- is amiss and you shouldn't ignore it.


I also learnt to tell when he is lying - watch for changes in the blink rate and sideways looking in the eyes.. very revealing. He's still lying to me, but despite that so far I haven't had the courage to get up and out.


I hope you have better luck than me.

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