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One of my best friends rejected me, but is still flirty.

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He is generally a very shy person, which is why this is bothering me. He's been flirting with me alot ever since he shot me down. I know that he has a crush on one of my closer aquaintances, but he's better friends with her than me.


I know for a fact that she likes another man, but really! He's still very nice to me, and caring, and everything he was before. Everyone says that we would make a good couple and one of us should ask the other out.


They don't know that I already asked and was met with a no. Dx


Many people have told me that we act like we're in love. I generally don't believe in fortunetelling or Ouija boards, but I checked over 20 of each and each said that he did like me.


I checked relationship experts and such at our high school, and each said that while he's flirting heavily with me, he hasn't flirted with anyone else.


I don't know what to do. I'll put the intimacy of the relationship on hold, but we'll stay friends.


Please tell me, what's he trying to do by still flirting?

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1.) He could either be regreting the fact that he shot you down in the first place because he has now gained more confidence overtime throughout the later time of his friendship with you.


2.) He's not into the idea of an intimate relationship, but still want a fling with you, like sex, making out, or a casual date.


If he has a crush on your other acquaintance and has a better friendship with her than you, he may not be at all open to initiating something with her because prob of her lack of showcase of romantic/sexual interest in him (since she's interested in somebody else). You showed something to him in the beginning and since he was too shy about it or had other personal issues to start something with you, he's now overcome it and wants to return the signals.


I'd say try to flirt back and see where it goes...and let him do the leading but of course don't jump into it if you're uncomfortable to where it leads like sex right away if you're not into that.

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The same happened to me with a guy wom I was really intrested in. He rejected me, but now he sends me text mess ,and he flirts with me a lot. In some sort of way I like it,but I hate it at the same time because he was clear to me saying that I was cute, but nothing could happen between him and me. Sho shoul do what I did.I stopped talking to him,and every time I see him, I avoid him,so that way I don't get hurt, and if he sends me a mess and don't reply him back. The only way you can forget him is not talking to him at all.

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