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Is he interested?

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I have a male friend who is slightly hard to read when it comes to things like this, because he's a really friendly person. Anyway, I've recently discovered that I like him as more than a friend and I'd like to find out if he likes me that way too. Before I liked him in this way, I felt that he maybe had a crush on me, but I wasnt sure, and didnt think much of it. However, the past few times I've saw him when I've been out, he's been standing rather close to me when we've been talking, and he'd tell me he thinks a lot of me, how its great to see me, things like that. He'd also touch my arm or shoulder when we're talking, and he kisses me on the cheek and hand quite a bit during conversations, and gives me nice tight hugs. Eye contact can be pretty intense at times. At times I feel he wants to make a move, but I'm rubbish at this kind of stuff.


What do you all think? Just being friendly or should I try a bit of flirting and see what happens?

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It sounds to me like he is interested. Try flirting back.


See how he reacts. If he isn't into you like that then you can just act like you're joking around.

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