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Women body language; needs explanation

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AAAAAlright, believe it or not I 've had 8 girlfriends so far. The average dating time is 2 years. I have never made the first move :-) true. Maybe I'm a sissy or just a patient man. Anywho I broke up with my last darling and met this girl and I decided I'd make a move for once.


She seems like those tough ones to get. She gave me her cell and all. So i texted her asking her out for a up of coffee on thursday after work (after V-day). She didn't reply. So she called me next day and told me with a dry bossy voice that she called me for 2 reasons. 1-for the txt 2-for work.


Her: I prefer to keep this relationship at a professional level

Me: That's ok, at least I tried.

Her: I'm sorry but fshhh fshh fshhh fshh valentine fshh fshh (she was kinda whispering so I couldn't hear well and I didn't ask her to repeat herself)

Me: Don't worry it's not a big deal. How about the work thing?

Her: Yeah about that...mm... well..uh... the...the... client is mm... is ...uh

[she was literally stuttering]

Me: Do you have this info in a document?

Her: Yes actually

Me: Well, why don't you just email it to me and I ll review it

Her: Haha that's true how silly of me

Me: Thanks and we'll keep in touch

Her: yeah... yeah sure ... uh when do you think you can get back to me on that?

Me: You'll find my review in your email inbox first thing in the morning; how about that for a Speedy Gonzales?

Her: oh.. (cleared throat) yep thanks (sound of a smile).

Click - Click


Can anybody explain what created such a behavior please?

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Hmmmmmm... first off I'm a chick. I say this because you don't always know on here and I prefer to know when someone is giving me advice where it's coming from.


So back to you...


You two work together right? So do you have mutual friends/ aquantances? You said you've been in several long term relationships that all lasted about the same amount of time... does she know this?


IMHO when a chick turns around so quickly it's usually because she has been given, or come accross, some new information about you.


Are you her boss, or in a position of authority over her? If you are (and don't take this as harsh please) maybe she gave you her cell because she wasn't sure about telling you no but when you followed through and asked her to coffee she was ticked off that you would ask... maybe she considered it inappropriate.


As for the stuttering... you didn't try after she said no to you, you switched right back to business... you pulled the rug out from under her. She probably wasn't expecting you to give up that easy. If she is interested she'll probably try to find reasons to call you about work or whatever seems legitimate at the time, that we she's keeping the door open for you.


Hope this helps:)

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Thanks for your post.


No we don't work together and we have absolutely no common acquaintances. 2 different companies that work together. So I m not her boss and we have no authority over each other. And actually I didn't ask her for her cell she gave it to me and said 'if you need anything or you have questions call me...(pause)... keep in touch or whatever'


So i texted her 3 days later and you know the rest.

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I think that Stubborn is right with her last comment. You didn't sound disappointed or give it another try.


Although, there could be a chance that she said something along the lines of doing the coffee another time and when you didn't say "Sure, how about tomorrow/today/in 10 minutes" she was stumped about her next line.


She could have started off a little bossy to ensure she didn't seem needy or to ensure that you could remain professional with each other even if you dated.


Either way, as Stubborn says, if she's interested she'll be back in touch.


Actually, I haven't got a clue, I'm hopeless at working out what I mean half the time, never mind anyone else!

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