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need help with daddy of my baby


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willl it was about 1 year ago when i left him and now his back and wonts the baby or just to see her but i don't wont him to see her becaues he is into drugs and he will hurt me and her what can i do help.

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Legally, you can get a restraining order if you feel you or your baby is in danger. If all he wants to do is see her once you may want to work something out but make sure it's in a safe environment (aka, have a strong friend there or a police officer, do it in a public place). You can always go into a police station and talk to them about your options. Or if you have a lawyer you can consult with them. Don't do anything you don't feel safe about doing, and make sure you get help with this. It sounds serious, so just make sure you are safe. If he wants more permanent time with your baby, make him go through the entire legal process, they will evaluate him and won't give him custody if he is unfit. If you do anything like that, make sure you have a good lawyer helping you who understand the whole process. If you need any more help, email me and I can get you some more specific information.


Take care, and be careful-



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