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Resently cheated on while pregnant! Sorry so long but read I need !

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I had been with my boyfriend for 31/2 yrs. Unfortunately, we work together, u could say he's my boss.I'm 29 he's 27. We found out I was pregnant in June 2006. He asked me to get an abortion that he wasn't ready to have a child.I felt I couldn't deal with the guilt if I agreed.

So We talked and he agreed on having the baby.He said he would be by my side and give me his support. He didn't seem to care how I felt. I've had a high risk pregnancy, almost misscarried, he didn't support me like he said. If I complained of anything he would say I only did that to get sympathy. Until december 2006 I always had the hope that he was just scared and when we had the baby he'd change.. Then he got worse wouldn't call me no more, never had time for me and one day I confronted him and asked him If he didn't want to be with me just tell me and I'd understand. His response was that no it wasn't that ,he just had alot of things going on, His mom was ill, to much work,you name it!So I asked him if he still wanted to make our relationship work, and he agreed!

But I am 71/2 months right now, and his behavior got even worse.. He would not call me no more for a week at a time. I'd call & text and he would never call back.Since we had agreed on making things work, for valentines I bought him a spa massage and sent it through the mail! I thought he would atleast briing me flowers like always but I never heard from him.

I have a myspace, and yesterday feb 15th 2007,I received a message with no information at all,simply asking me to view a certain profile. I click the link and there he is with another girl. I am in shock, but I managed to print out copies and crove to his house and comfronted him.

I didn't show the pictures right away, I had to ask 3 times before he admited. He said he didn't want to hurt me(what a joke)I was still willing to forgive, he said no that was it!He started seeing her a little before X-mas. Then when I told him I am not even going to call him when I have the baby cuz I don't want him in the delivery room I don't want him in my life, he started crying! I feel he has never been there for me now that I need him the most. And he hasn't cared about the baby!I'm not going to put him in the birth certificate as the dad, and I am not going to let him see the baby, If he wants that right he's gonna have to take me to court.

The only problem is.., I will have to go back to work, How am I going to be able to deal with that??? I am a crybaby I know that the first time I see him I'll start crying I don't want him to see mee hurting! Am I doing the right thing?Please help

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