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dateless Saturday night


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It's a night of very few that I have time to do what ever I want; I could always go the bar usual bar I go to...but it's Mardi Gras, no time to drink and drive...well never is a good time but you know what I mean..


My male roommate (and friend of 10 yrs) knows I"ve been upset about not having any guys in my life for a while now. I also think he knows that I hate hearing about all the girls he hooks up with because it makes me feel so lonely. Tonight when he got off I asked if he wanted to get Chinese and he was all for it. Then the Chinese place doesn't deliver, so when he got home I asked if he wanted to go to the buffet. He says no, I don't feel like going anywhere.


I said, "will you go with me to pick it up?". Nope, he says. I'm content here. I was like, well, forget that...I just made a munchie run for us both other night, do I have to do everything? Then I go get something to eat for myself. Come back, and he says, I'm going out for a little bit. I asked him where he's going, and he says going over to a girl's house.


At a time when I'm already feeling extremely unwanted...I can't even get my roommate to go down the street with me. But a girl calls and he's darting out the door. I'm not sure I want him as more than roommate; it's the fact that he doesn't want anything to do with me, like so many other guys now a days. It isn't my roommate's responsibility to fix this I know. But it reminds of one more man who doesn't want me.


I'm so longing for affection and made to feel special. I deserve it but no body wants me and all I can figure is I"m not as attractive as I thought I was? I made the mistake of going onto a Personals site, only to have guys not write me back or say "sorry I don't think we're a good match"...it's all based on my picture, I'm sure. I seem to be the only one who doesn't think I'm ugly. I've never felt so handicapped. Just got stood up last weekend.


When my roommate comes home I have to try and act as though I"m fine, and ask how his night went, without appearing upset about being alone tonight. why do i feel so hopeless?

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Attitude is everything! The way you feel inside always reflects on how you feel, behave, think, dress, and look outside. I'm sorry you feel so bad but remember, it's not up to anybody to make you happy. I think first, you need to understand your roommate is simply a roommate. He's not a friend or somebody you can trust with your emotions. Stick to the facts - he's paying for half the bills and owes you nothing else in return. We all want the ideal roommate that is our friend and our trusted source. It seems this situation is not.


I don't think you are ready to date... I mean you need to get yourself in a better place before you put yourself out there. Take this time to pamper yourself. There is nothing wrong with enjoying life on your own. You have nobody to be responsible for but yourself. That is glorious to me!


There are so many negative ways to fill a void. Don't fall into that trap and expect somebody else to get you out. Dating is a game and players will look for the weakest person possible to prey on. I know that! I've been that prey for many deadbeats and jerks!


The grass isn't always greener on the other side. I've got a boyfriend and let me tell you, single life is a fantasy.


Keep your chin up and keep smiling. Let your inner beauty out. That won't happen until you learn to like what you see smiling back.

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your words are wise. I want so badly to know what love is like, what motherhood is like..I'm 30 yrs. old and I am more than ready. I've been pampering myself for years, and it's great.


I have a fear of accepting that maybe these things are not meant to be for me.

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I went out to see my sister tonight. Now my ribs are totally fu#### up. So tomorrow, I will have another @ home day. Just the same, it was VIP to know there is ANother LIFE out there just the same. That make all the difference in the world to me.


Also found my phone # hadn't been cut off so I''ll just love to take care of that, too! My so called neighbor is always helping me. What would I do w/o them?


I am sooo glad I was able to get out this evening. It really made my nite. Now for all others out there, yes get out more often, make new friends or reestablish old ones.


Just a note, couldn't be happier, today just made it better. Now I can think clearly and make it right. You all have a great holiday, now you hear?

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