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Becoming voilent..


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I have a question Ive been in a verbaly and mentilly abusive relashionship for a few monthes now he has mentil issues. Hes on aniti depressent meds but they dont seam to be working any more. Well tonight he was running his mouth again and being just genraly nasty to me for no realy good reason. I left the room and went back in he followed me but I got in a head of him.


He chucked the door open so hard it hit me I screamed he then kept shoveing the door that he knew I was behind already!! Well I guess that was the last straw and I couldent take it any more I turned to him and went off pushing him into the closet doors and hitting him. what realy bothers me is IM NOT by any means a voilent person is there something wrong with me to do this?? please any advice...

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The only thing to do is leave this idiot and call the police when he does this again. Notice I said when not if...

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It is typical for victims of physical abuse to become physically abusive in response. But, as you already know, it is NOT healthy. But, no, there is nothing wrong with you for having the instinct to defend yourself.


Get away from this guy NOW.

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Its only been few months. Get out now while you can. Red flags everywhere. Not a healthy situation. You being a non-violent person did what you had to do to defend yourself.

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