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Almost "Friends With Benefits", but don't know how to mature the relationship

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Here is my story:


I am a 14 year old male, and I have a friend that I am very close with. We talk a lot on the phone(an hour or so a night), we flirt (no physical contact, like holding hands, as of yet), and we are very comfortable talking and sharing things back and forth. Recently (like yesterday), a guy she has history with, and still has feelings for, has moved 3 states away. She has cried, we've talked about it, ect. She suggested she come over and we watch a movie together, so I am going to ask her about that later today.


When I confessed my feelings for her (about a month ago), at first she assured me it wouldn't affect our friendship. Later on that night, she told me she felt the same way, but didn't want to date because she got into a relationship that turned sour, and just broke up with him. I dealt with it, and still pursued her friendship. Nothing happened, so I assumed it was a fluke, something that went away on it's own.


In the recent week, she has been a lot closer toward me, sharing things, wanting to hang out more, ect. That has made me happier, because I still have feelings for her. What I don't know how to do is how to establish where we are. Are we just friends that hang out and talk a lot more than most? Or is she hinting at wanting something more, and if so, what can I do to initiate that and let her know I want something more?

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At 14, there's still a tonne of time to experiment.


Anyway, in my case, this girl I asked out, flatly told me she wanted to be friends, so I let it be, however after about a month, she dropped a couple of major hints, and then she invited me to go watch a movie with her.


But only when I was sure she was interested did I ask her to go out with me again.


I reckon, you have a fairly good chance, so good luck, just don't rush it !!



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