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going loopy!


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Hehe back here again.....


Talked to a girl from my college degree for the first time last year. Obviously I'd seen her around since the start of the degree, but this was the first time I'd properly talked to her. I'd noticed her way back in my first year because there is no other way to describe her other than stunning. So I asked her to have a coffee with me after a class last year, and she seemed keen to come along. Everything went well, turns out she's smart and interesting along with being stunning. Great. Being the dumbass I am sometimes, I didnt ask her out, didnt even get her number. Afterwards, figured I'd blown it and probably wouldnt get another chance.


So I went off on a holiday once the year was done, and got an email from her wishing me a safe trip...didnt expect that. Sent her an email saying we should meet up when I got back. She agreed. We met up, went out to a bar had a few drinks, went on to a restaurant for some food. Ended up being quite a late night. I was confused though as to whether we had hung out as friends or if it was a date.


Since then I've met up with her for lunch a couple of times, and a week ago asked her to meet up with me after work for a drink. Once again she seemed keen to meet up. And once again it ended up being quite a late night. Somethings I've noticed are that she seems to be a little uncomfortable around me. Not like "this guy is scaring me I want to get out of here", but like she cant be herself around me. I'm slightly older than her (4 years) so maybe thats it? When conversation turned to people I might have met on my holiday, ie girls, she seemed to want to change the conversation quickly. If she saw me as a friend would she still be bothered by finding out I may have had sex with someone while on holidays? I wouldnt have thought so. By the way, I didnt go into a monologue about sexual exploits while on holidays.


Then theres the other things that are confusing me. She told me that she doesnt want a bf at the moment. This didnt come as a result of me asking her out, its just something she said when we were discussing relationships. Then she said that she feels comfortable hanging out with guys. So now I'm wondering whether I'm just one more of her male buddies. But I would have thought whats been going on goes beyond just hanging out with a male buddy. Or maybe I'm wrong.


I like being friends with her, so I'm wary about opening up and telling her that I'm interested in her as more than a friend. Maybe someone reading this can give me their interpretation of whats been going on here? What would other people do here? Get her to meet up again and tell her I'm confused about things and that I like her?

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