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I'm dying to contact him!!

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Ok so far i've done pretty well not contacting him. he text me again when i was in orlando saying "hi you wot u up to i'm off out tonight with some work mates". i didn't think anything of it to be honest. but today i've been bck home in london and i've cried my eyes out...i just want to tell him i miss him. I did tell him once and he said he can't cope with me saying things like that to him. he said he needs time. i just want him back. why is this so hard??!!! all i want is my second chance

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I would have texted him back with - Doing great! Off to the movies! or something similar. Make him see that if he needs time then by all means he can have the clock- you're just not going to sit around and cry. He's not.


One of two thing will happen:


1. He realizes that you are possibly moving on and get's in contact to discuss it.

2. He moves on and so should you.


Funny thing is - With my experience - this is the type of guy that always comes back when you've moved on with your life. He's emails or calls out of the blue wanting to see you again...;)


Well, if nothing else...


You need to work on your happiness. Don't you feel you deserve it?


Good luck!

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well i text him back saying yeah i'm fine thanks...just in orlando gonna go out for a boggie tonight...or something along those lines. He's not the most open person anyway and it's so hard to understand how he's feeling...so i end up assuming....which i know i shouldn't do.


I'm trying to move on, but I miss him so much...when we broke up he gave me a teddy bear to keep and i brought it home with me...it sits on my bed everynight. The other day I found a picture of me and him...i cried my eyes out. I'm a flight attendant and the other day we flew over his home town...i cried my eyes out...I just want him back....and this NC thing doesn't get any easier...it seems to be getting harder...

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maybe because youre not doing nc. you are texting him back. dont reply to any of his messages, it will be easier that way, and also, he wont panic about losing you if you always reply. if you want to force his hand, dont be there anymore til he gets serious.

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