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Is going from sexual to platonic possible?

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I want advice or personal accounts from guys who’ve succeeded in emotionally transitioning from a mutually pleasant sexual relationship with someone they love, to a non-physical platonic relationship with that same person, at that person’s request. Is this transition possible? How do you end up not feeling abused? The main reason for my partner’s request for a platonic friendship is that she happened to meet another guy (a really decent one) who lives much closer (something my job circumstances prevent) and who can split the cost of rent with her.


She’s not looking for marriage with anyone, and seems sincere when she says she still sees me as “special” and much more empathetic than her current partner. She says she values having a trusted confidante like me who really listens and understands her (and I want her for this, too). She says that’s even more important to her than the wonderful sex she’s having with this other guy now. I struggle to believe that, but I want to because she’s always been bluntly honest with me. I really do want to keep her in my life, and she seems to want the same, and we’ve discussed this a lot.


Other than my finding a new sexual partner to balance the situation or distract me from her, how can I manage to shift focus away from my lingering physical desires for her, to not feel rejected, and to reach a point where I sincerely share her view that the non-physical parts of our friendship are equally or more important and valued?

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