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I'm keeping this simple. Talked to this girl (soph. in college/I'm a jr.) since the fall. We hang out a lot. Sort of asked her out. She said "no" basically. I ignore her then, she pops back up a week later.


We come back to school this spring. I go do my own thing for a couple weeks, then she pops back up again, seeing what I'm doing and wanting to hang out together. I've just started a beer pong league at our small school, she wants to be teammates, now she's pretty much always in my room during the weekend.


Someone asked her again (I didn't know about this) why we weren't going out and she said, "I was too nice." The party was Sat., tonight's Wed., and I just now found out about someone asking the question again. I've let it drop, don't bring it up ever, and am doig my own thing, yet, she still wants to be back around me.


When's she going to make up her mind? And how do I politely tell her to F-off, and I'm tired of playing this game with her?

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And how do I politely tell her to F-off, and I'm tired of playing this game with her?


Maybe like this: "F-off, and I'm tired of playing this game with you." Actually I wouldn't be mean and use profanity. The last part is what you really want to say.

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and she said, "I was too nice."

You need to work on that. Say f*ck more often. Yeah, that's a good way to begin to overcome your inhibitions.

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Actually Johan, I wouldn't be mean like that to her, but I've got no prob being up front with her about this.


I do talk $h!t to people. I do do ballsy stuff. I've opened up more this year than I ever imagined. However, trying to be mean to everyone poses a prob at our school (pop. 550) when I'm friends or know most everyone on campus as an athlete and athletic trainer.


But you did give me an idea on someone who really pisses her and her bff off a lot, so I might play the hardass card on him and see where it goes.:cool:

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When's she going to make up her mind? And how do I politely tell her to F-off, and I'm tired of playing this game with her?

why don't you make up your mind first MTK and then take action? thats what men do.

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PG, I've actually made up my mind. I would date her. She's the only one I would on my campus. However, it feels like I'm a horse and she's got a carrot strung up on first.


Pardon the swearing from last night, just a little frustrated...


Spent two hours tonight making our team jerseys. We'll see where the weekend leads...

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However, it feels like I'm a horse and

It sounds like it's swollen. But you may be able to take advantage of this situation, if it's not too uncomfortable.

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There's this time at hand, felt like being in a solitary whole. None but two in love better. Lets. see time off hand, gets the goose. Some like ducks meat like a dogr swims to retrieve the duck. Anyho, I gathered my feathers, and sleep on it. Does a good nites rest, doesn't it?


Had a time of it all. Just a drop in the bucket. No if or butts here! It was fun while it lasted, and you know, didn't hide a thing, just not like others that need to hide thier dreams. Nitemares . Oh well, I'm so glad it over. Tried to befriend for times sake while I spent charging up my batteries, but I'm on solid ground here, and nothings lost. Great because my MM is here to stay and so am I.


No love lost here. Friends? Not in my book. Rarely do I speak out but seeing is believing. Glad I kept up my hy giene up and didn't have to feel I just camped out looking like that --- ALL the time.


To those that can't see it all, what comes around, stays there.


Me? Happy finally. No interest, just assured, that ends well. Great!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


I like it when it has me humming, not stepping away and running!

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Sounds like she is hanging out with you because you are fun and comfortable and...sorry if this sounds harsh...she has nothing better to do. Granted, she may want a friendship but you know that you would like more and she isn't up for that. So the question is, what happens when that guy comes along that she IS interested in? You'll be yesterday's news.

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Someone asked her again (I didn't know about this) why we weren't going out and she said, "I was too nice."


Sorry to sound harsh, but i'm saving you a lot of time, she's not into you in that way. Forget it. When I was a teenager, I got the "you're so nice, too nice to be a boyfriend". It's a load of nonsense, it's a guilt-free way for a girl to say "i don't want to sleep with you, i've never thought of sleeping with you, I like hanging about for an emotional blanket".


As someone already said, once a guy comes along that she likes you will be yesterday's news.

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