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grab straws throw rock?

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After I read many posts here, I feel like many people rather grab straw than stand on a rock. it is like a person who don't know how to swim, when he see a straw, he will no matter what grab the straw as life saving tool, but he really didn't see right under his feet there is a unshaken rock.


In a relationship:

People tend to see the other as the loving source of life. that's why people tend to be codependant to each other. and when bad time comes, it is so hard for them to cope with, because the loving source gone, the moment they break up, the moment they feel empty. But if they connect with God spiritually, they still have that loving source. the breakup is painful, but can honestly wish the other person have a good life, and wait for next good person enter their life.



Addictions are obviously straws. people may seek porn, drugs, or any other addictive things as a happy source to escape from the reality. but end of the tunnel is destruction. by no mean "happiness and fun"


So answer is simple, find God, God is the undying unchanging lifegiving LOVE source.


What do you think? any opinion would be welcomed

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the answer IS a good one, but you've got to remember that people are at different points in their spiritual journey, even those folks who scoff at the notion of God as a higher authority.


and you've got to remember that in this society, we are raised to be self-sufficient, so finding strength in God goes against that.


the best weapon is to witness, to model God's work in our own lives, so much so that when someone is struggling and sees His grace working in you – even as you have your own problems to deal with – they'll ask how you do it because they want it for themselves. (2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10)

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So answer is simple, find God, God is the undying unchanging lifegiving LOVE source.


Some might think that finding God is grabbing straw and not standing on rock..


How can one person tell another person what they should think, feel and believe ? We are all individuals


It is all an individual personal choice..

There are no right or wrong answers to someones belief system...

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Thank you for the replies

the answer IS a good one, but you've got to remember that people are at different points in their spiritual journey, even those folks who scoff at the notion of God as a higher authority.

True, I agree with you. Different people has different point in spiritual journey. but we tell for those who are ready, and for those who are preparing. The work Lord command us to do is to tell, tell, and tell besides we obey Holy Spirit in our own life. If people don't know and hear in the first place, how can they get the salvation? and I found people have so many misunderstanding about christianity.


and you've got to remember that in this society, we are raised to be self-sufficient, so finding strength in God goes against that.

Actually I think those saints are the ones who have more chance to achieve self-sufficient. there are two kinds of self-sufficients


1). self-sufficient from the world. God is the source. we don't have to have joy and peace depend on the outside world. we can have joy and peace in our heart because God is living in us. He provide these things peace, joy for us. The more we depend on God, the less we depend on the outside world, circumstances. people can leave us, bad thing can happen, but joy inside us can not leave us.


2). self-sufficient from God. God is out of the picture. then we begin to seek happiness from outside world. we are happy when find a good partner, but sad and lost when they leave us. we seek other people's approvement, appraisement. sometimes we know we shouldn't do certain things but in order to please people, we still did it anyway. this is a slow process to lose self, especially young people. people try to earn more money to gain self-esteem, but some in the end gain a big ego, which end up isolate self from other people. THIS IS FAR from self-sufficient. it would be better to say that live under tons of bondages.


Some might think that finding God is grabbing straw and not standing on rock..


Yes, I thought this before.


How can one person tell another person what they should think, feel and believe ? We are all individuals


It is all an individual personal choice..

There are no right or wrong answers to someones belief system...

Yes, we are all individuals. I don't tell another person what they should think, but just light a light, if you want to come, fine, if don't, fine. To me, it is no longer just a belief system, it means life and death.

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Some might think that finding God is grabbing straw and not standing on rock..


How can one person tell another person what they should think, feel and believe ? We are all individuals


It is all an individual personal choice..

There are no right or wrong answers to someones belief system...

Amen to that!

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Addictions are the tools of Satan to keep us from the Lord.

These things keep people entertained and drugs allow the absence of freewill. Drugs empower demons to move in and take control of an individual through various methods of deception...


Its why many on drugs do things they would never do if they were not on them. Seducing spirits move in and control the mind and body. Many have murdered under the influence of drugs and done things they would never have done.


A female that seeks an ego boost or seeks to take down a man with her ways of the flesh. May dress exposing her flesh, the man that looks upon her come- on -dress will already have sinned in his heart. According to the Lord, even though he has not touched this female. He has sinned in his heart. These are far from the only tools of Satan against man.


Matthew 5:28

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.


Do we imagine the Lord does not hold this seducing female more accountable than this man she has caused to fall?


Proverbs 18:7 A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.


Our tongue is an utter it propels our course in life. As our words will lead us to our hearts desires.

We shall be held accountable for every word spoken. Matthew 12:36

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.


Nothing we have ever done in secret or in public and nothing we have ever spoken will be forgotten.


Our hope in this knowledge is in … Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

When we repent … and ask for forgivness of our sins the Lord has promised to remove our sins from us. This is why we need to repent and ask for forgiveness daily in the Lord.


Satan comes to attack in many avenues. We are all sinners saved by grace. We should strive to be Holy as Jesus is Holy.

We that seek the Lord Jesus should strive to be more like him and repent of our sins daily of omission and commission.


Many are focused on and are lost in sin. Death comes to us all and then its too late to consider the error of our ways in the Lord.

Eternity never ends… lets make our decision in the Lord whom loves us. Lets strive in this life we have been given to offer it back to the Lord.


God Bless*

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I see love as a rock, if that is the analogy you want to use. Love is a guiding force in my life. Love is not just romantic love, but the love that is there between family and friends, love for and in nature, a love for life and living.


I don't feel the need to call it god, but my faith in love sees me through and guides my actions.

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You Make the assumption that seeking God is only a Christian quest.


Sadly many practice witchcraft, the occult, the worship of other gods, disobedience, unbelief, drunkenness, and filthiness of flesh and spirit.


Or worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk...{Rev 9:20)


Jesus is the true living God.


God Bless*

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You Make the assumption that seeking God is only a Christian quest.

I don't make assumptions. God didn't tell me about other religions, where they lead. but Holy Spirit told me what Jesus said is true. and I tell what I know.

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I see love as a rock, if that is the analogy you want to use. Love is a guiding force in my life. Love is not just romantic love, but the love that is there between family and friends, love for and in nature, a love for life and living.


I don't feel the need to call it god, but my faith in love sees me through and guides my actions.

:) good for you. besides love there are also wonder, grace...

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LB, Although I commend you for your Love of God...


You still are a human being which need nurturing and love a guidance from other human beings.


You speak of the light, and you think that it only comes from one source, it can come from many sources... ie inner and outer, also the light can be burned out from many sources both inner and outer.


I say live your life show compassion and love... and everything inbetween because there is no black and white, there are shades of grey...


I know that you are only human, you have weaknesses and fears yourself...and it is great that your find your peace in god and the holy spirit, but not everyone feels the same way.


What if that rock that you seek to stand on has jagged edges... then what????

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Addictions are the tools of Satan to keep us from the Lord.

These things keep people entertained and drugs allow the absence of freewill. Drugs empower demons to move in and take control of an individual through various methods of deception...


Its why many on drugs do things they would never do if they were not on them. Seducing spirits move in and control the mind and body. Many have murdered under the influence of drugs and done things they would never have done.


A female that seeks an ego boost or seeks to take down a man with her ways of the flesh. May dress exposing her flesh, the man that looks upon her come- on -dress will already have sinned in his heart. According to the Lord, even though he has not touched this female. He has sinned in his heart. These are far from the only tools of Satan against man.


Matthew 5:28

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.


Do we imagine the Lord does not hold this seducing female more accountable than this man she has caused to fall?


Proverbs 18:7 A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.


Our tongue is an utter it propels our course in life. As our words will lead us to our hearts desires.

We shall be held accountable for every word spoken. Matthew 12:36

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.


Nothing we have ever done in secret or in public and nothing we have ever spoken will be forgotten.


Our hope in this knowledge is in … Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

When we repent … and ask for forgivness of our sins the Lord has promised to remove our sins from us. This is why we need to repent and ask for forgiveness daily in the Lord.


Satan comes to attack in many avenues. We are all sinners saved by grace. We should strive to be Holy as Jesus is Holy.

We that seek the Lord Jesus should strive to be more like him and repent of our sins daily of omission and commission.


Many are focused on and are lost in sin. Death comes to us all and then its too late to consider the error of our ways in the Lord.

Eternity never ends… lets make our decision in the Lord whom loves us. Lets strive in this life we have been given to offer it back to the Lord.


God Bless*

Love Hurts, Thank God for you:)

God bless

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Um... Men and Women both who believe in god and preach thier word have issues themselves.. demons so to speak... they have issues as well!


You don't need to do drugs to have demons!


No book in the world needs to tell me that I know it by seeing how people act and the way they treat other people!


peace all!

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You still are a human being which need nurturing and love a guidance from other human beings.

Yes, absolutely. But if we put God in the first place over all things, we can achieve more success at all areas in life. such as relationship, marriage....


You speak of the light, and you think that it only comes from one source, it can come from many sources... ie inner and outer, also the light can be burned out from many sources both inner and outer.

Well, that's my point. God the source of light will never burn out. and the source goes every area of life.



I know that you are only human, you have weaknesses and fears yourself...

Yes. So I pray a lot. Do you think I like rejection when I tell the good news? no, but I pray to God, "God, I am doing the work you assign me to do, so take the rejection and hurt and fear from me. It's your business now, I am a vessel, go in and go out, the burdens are all Yours.":p then I got peace in my heart, and lightness. I found the more I pratice, the less I care the rejection, but I do want friendship, love....I think God is shaping me, if the vertical relationship with God is improving, then the horizontal relationships with other people is improving.

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Um... Men and Women both who believe in god and preach thier word have issues themselves.. demons so to speak... they have issues as well!


You don't need to do drugs to have demons!


No book in the world needs to tell me that I know it by seeing how people act and the way they treat other people!


peace all!




Your focus is on the world; on man. Man you focus on may too be destined for Hell. Why look at man?


All men must make a decision on their own. Each is responsible for his or her personal destiny.


For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Matthew 16:26


What would you be willing to give in exchange for your very soul?

Some do sell their souls to Satan for his evil powers.

Its true; many are lost and find all the glory in this world which is so fleeting an soon its over. Eternity never ends.


Put your focus on the Lord, recall man is the sinner; man does not save man and man will fall short of the glory of God.


You alone in the end are responsible; all alone… on your own… for the decisions you alone… made in your lives walk.

No man will save you… for the choices you have made in your life.

You and the rest of us will each appear before the Lord; and answer for our lives lived… for or against Him.


When you shut out the world and … see yourself and the Lord only;

then you are on the right track to decision.


Many linger in the valley of decision… too long and then its over … too late.


Jesus tells us to love our neighbor as we do ourselves.

Do you love yourself …and your eternal well being enough; to claim an existence for your eternal soul with the Lord?


Or will you leave your eternity to chance and fall into the pits of hell when this life has ended?


I pray you see yourself as unique in the Lord and you alone will create your destiny.

Your freewill will take you to Jesus or Satan… Heaven or Hell…for eternal life.


Make your decision of your heart; to claim Jesus as Savior.

Jesus claims you worthy enough to die for you (and for we sinners); then you can live this life He has given you…for Him.


“Invite the Lord into your heart. Confess you are a sinner. Believe Jesus died for you that through Salvation your sins are washed away, and Jesus claims you as His own.”


It’s a step of the heart not the mind. The mind and heart must be in accord with one another and then you will know your Salvation in the Lord is not a mental assent to Jesus.


Where is your heart?

What does your heart tell you?

Do you love this world so much and all that it offers you will give your very soul for it?

Or can you let go of the world and find eternal life in Jesus?


In the end; your life is how you lived it, its all about you.

And we can never blame another; for the choices we made ourselves.


If today were your last day on earth, what is your destiny?

Why wait to claim Jesus now?

Jesus is calling you... likewise so is Satan.

Everyday without Jesus... is a day we have given to Satan.


Make your stance in the Lord today.

Claim Jesus as your God; your Lord and Savior.


God Bless*

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I see love as a rock, if that is the analogy you want to use. Love is a guiding force in my life. Love is not just romantic love, but the love that is there between family and friends, love for and in nature, a love for life and living.


I don't feel the need to call it god, but my faith in love sees me through and guides my actions.


This is not enough. Most of us have a good heart and have these attributes.


Unsaved are lost souls and have an appointment to keep in eternity...

(its not with Jesus).


Wake up and find real love in the True Living God my friend; before its too late and this life has ended to begin eternal damnation.


God is the giver of life; what we do with it is up to us.



God Bless*

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This is not enough. Most of us have a good heart and have these attributes.


Unsaved are lost souls and have an appointment to keep in eternity...

(its not with Jesus).


Wake up and find real love in the True Living God my friend; before its too late and this life has ended to begin eternal damnation.


God is the giver of life; what we do with it is up to us.



God Bless*



Do what we say, or burn in hell...


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Your focus is on the world; on man. Man you focus on may too be destined for Hell. Why look at man?


All men must make a decision on their own. Each is responsible for his or her personal destiny.


For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Matthew 16:26


What would you be willing to give in exchange for your very soul?

Some do sell their souls to Satan for his evil powers.

Its true; many are lost and find all the glory in this world which is so fleeting an soon its over. Eternity never ends.


Put your focus on the Lord, recall man is the sinner; man does not save man and man will fall short of the glory of God.


You alone in the end are responsible; all alone… on your own… for the decisions you alone… made in your lives walk.

No man will save you… for the choices you have made in your life.

You and the rest of us will each appear before the Lord; and answer for our lives lived… for or against Him.


When you shut out the world and … see yourself and the Lord only;

then you are on the right track to decision.


Many linger in the valley of decision… too long and then its over … too late.


Jesus tells us to love our neighbor as we do ourselves.

Do you love yourself …and your eternal well being enough; to claim an existence for your eternal soul with the Lord?


Or will you leave your eternity to chance and fall into the pits of hell when this life has ended?


I pray you see yourself as unique in the Lord and you alone will create your destiny.

Your freewill will take you to Jesus or Satan… Heaven or Hell…for eternal life.


Make your decision of your heart; to claim Jesus as Savior.

Jesus claims you worthy enough to die for you (and for we sinners); then you can live this life He has given you…for Him.


“Invite the Lord into your heart. Confess you are a sinner. Believe Jesus died for you that through Salvation your sins are washed away, and Jesus claims you as His own.”


It’s a step of the heart not the mind. The mind and heart must be in accord with one another and then you will know your Salvation in the Lord is not a mental assent to Jesus.


Where is your heart?

What does your heart tell you?

Do you love this world so much and all that it offers you will give your very soul for it?

Or can you let go of the world and find eternal life in Jesus?


In the end; your life is how you lived it, its all about you.

And we can never blame another; for the choices we made ourselves.


If today were your last day on earth, what is your destiny?

Why wait to claim Jesus now?

Jesus is calling you... likewise so is Satan.

Everyday without Jesus... is a day we have given to Satan.


Make your stance in the Lord today.

Claim Jesus as your God; your Lord and Savior.


God Bless*



If today were my last day on earth then I would want to be creamated, not have a service in the church and I would hope for a better world for everyone!


I belive in god everyone, but not all of the hype that goes along with it.


does the devil exist, yes it does in everyone not only people who do not belive in god or vice versa... and man can save himself through the help of others support and wisdom.


There are people who do not belive in god that are still compassionate, caring loving people that don't need faith in god to live a fullfilling life, and I am not talking about material things either!


You mention free will... and that either it will take me to heaven or to hell...


I really see this as thinking only one way... either you do or you don't and there is no inbetween....


My point is people do good in this world without being religious... It is true it happens all of the time... so what will happen to them??? will they down in hell with satan or in some other place?

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If today were my last day on earth then I would want to be creamated, not have a service in the church and I would hope for a better world for everyone!


I belive in god everyone, but not all of the hype that goes along with it.


does the devil exist, yes it does in everyone not only people who do not belive in god or vice versa... and man can save himself through the help of others support and wisdom.


There are people who do not belive in god that are still compassionate, caring loving people that don't need faith in god to live a fullfilling life, and I am not talking about material things either!


You mention free will... and that either it will take me to heaven or to hell...


I really see this as thinking only one way... either you do or you don't and there is no inbetween....


My point is people do good in this world without being religious... It is true it happens all of the time... so what will happen to them??? will they down in hell with satan or in some other place?


There are many good people in this world that we just love to be in the company of.


There are many beautiful people bringing us joy and happiness when they come into our presence, they are helpful and inspirational. They have seemed to have given much to many and have done and do great things that help many. What a joy these loved ones are to many of us as we live and breath. We just love them and we want to embrace them and lift them up above others for their worthiness and goodness.


But Greater Still God judges a man by his heart. Not his good works.

If a mans heart does not beat for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Then it beats for something or someone other than the Lord.

Only through Jesus can we be saved and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

All other roads taken are in vain.


The Lord said in Matthew 7:14

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


Many strive to create their own roads to heaven and to Jesus. As many men do this the world atlas to Heaven is before us …yet still God remains the same and His word remains the same… the road to Jesus is narrow.

To find Jesus is to trust in him to believe in Him… to claim salvation through Him and eternal life in Jesus is yours.


Jesus paid the cost at the cross as He did suffer for we sinners… now its free to us… all we need do is …ask; and it will be given unto us.

As we love those in the world with us… Sadly if those souls are not saved… they are labeled lost for all eternity.


It is so easy to claim Jesus in the heart.

Still if a heart is not receptive to Jesus.

That heart does not beat for God.


Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


We can choose eternal salvation or eternal damnation.

Such lovely beautiful people in our eyes are destined for hell... because they lack a heart for Jesus.


Jesus does not claim those that do not claim Him as Lord.


Ask ourselves, if we could perceive others in Gods eyes?

If one is so good… then why can’t they claim Jesus...?

What stops that good heart from the Righteousness and Glory of God Himself?


We on earth may claim other men as good, and in deed many do good works.

But good works are as filthy rags unto the Lord… who suffered and died for our sins.


Ask how good is a heart that denies Christ?

That mans heart is not beating for Jesus.

That mans works are for others and for self-esteem. Not to the glory of God. Self-righteousness and personal glory … is not the righteousness of Jesus...


A true heart of goodness and mercy will seek the Lord Jesus as Savior.

Claiming Jesus is God; the Lord of our hearts and souls.

The giver of life and all good things.

There is a separation of souls; some are just and some unjust in the Lord.


God Bless*

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[FONT=Arial]Sometimes the rules of different religions can get in the way of the spirit of those religions. There is today often a conflict between spirituality (many people, especially younger people, "feel" spiritual ... everyone "is" spiritual) and religion (many people are turned off by the structured demands of organized religion). Yet, the spiritual core beliefs of most religions today are very similar and the areas of disagreement are relatively minor. Virtually everyone believes that love is the essence of God, and that God's primary command is for us to become better, more loving, more compassionate, more caring people, and that we become more loving through our relationships with other people.

God lives in all people, Christians and non-Christians. Divinity is within us all, and we are within divinity. God loves every human being completely and unequivocally. Christians believe that love is paramount, that if "God is Love". It follows, then, that those "in love" are in God. That spiritual reality overrides a religious rulebook. Don't worry if you feel more spiritual than you do religious. Both are okay; God lives in us all.[/FONT]



I don't need the your rule book quotes to tell me how to think and feel, but at the same time I understand your stance on the subject!

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[FONT=Arial]Sometimes the rules of different religions can get in the way of the spirit of those religions. There is today often a conflict between spirituality (many people, especially younger people, "feel" spiritual ... everyone "is" spiritual) and religion (many people are turned off by the structured demands of organized religion). Yet, the spiritual core beliefs of most religions today are very similar and the areas of disagreement are relatively minor. Virtually everyone believes that love is the essence of God, and that God's primary command is for us to become better, more loving, more compassionate, more caring people, and that we become more loving through our relationships with other people. [/FONT]


[FONT=Arial]God lives in all people, Christians and non-Christians. Divinity is within us all, and we are within divinity. God loves every human being completely and unequivocally. Christians believe that love is paramount, that if "God is Love". It follows, then, that those "in love" are in God. That spiritual reality overrides a religious rulebook. Don't worry if you feel more spiritual than you do religious. Both are okay; God lives in us all.[/FONT]



I don't need the your rule book quotes to tell me how to think and feel, but at the same time I understand your stance on the subject!


We all feel we are good people.

Many are for true very good people.

Still some claim goodness and are not.

Even Hitler may have considered himself to be a good man.


So by what measure are we to be judged?...since we are all self-professing goodness, since we all think we are good people?

How then can we be judged and who will judge us?


The primary teaching of Jesus was soul salvation; it’s why He died on the Cross.


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16


The Ten Commandments tell us what sin is.

Romans 3:10 tells us is none righteous, no, not one:

We are all sinners.


Jesus tells us we must be born again…


Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3


What’s born-again?

Admit that you are a sinner.

Confess unto Jesus you are a sinner and ask him to come into you life.

The free gift of salvation is there for any and all that whole heatedly confess and request Jesus come into their life.


Born-again is Salvation, we also refer to it as Saved… this is not a manmade teaching this is the will of God.


Jesus died in vain if we have no need of Salvation.

Jesus died in vain if we could do good works and be good people to get to Heaven.


Sin is grave to God; it took bloodshed of the Son of God as remission of sin. Jesus suffered and died for us, we are to claim Him as the Lord of our hearts.


If the theory of good people; the goodness of men is good enough for heaven is true.

Then Jesus made a mistake and died on the cross for nothing.


The Lord did not waste His time my friend…instead many are misguided or fall into false teachings and loose their way. Jesus is the reader of hearts, He does not fall for lip service as men on earth do.


Put it all together and find the path to righteousness in Jesus namesake.

Faith in Jesus, believe in your heart and claim Him your Lord and Savior.


God Bless*

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Spiritual but lacking Jesus; lacking any value to Christ.

Spiritual but lacking the soul salvation that… only Jesus can give.


Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6


Man likes to make all kinds of roads to Heaven… man is wrong.

Jesus said no man comes to the Father but by Him.

And that by Him is through Him… through Salvation.


I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be *saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. John 10:9


Jesus is the door. How do we get through or past Him?


None has entry but through Him and Salvation is the key.


Remember Satan is the author of confusion and his lies are to kill and destroy. He hates us and wants us unhappy and dead. He wants us for all eternity. He will blind and discourage all who he can from the Lords Saving Grace.


Focus on Jesus and Jesus only.

What is the word of the Lord?

What does Jesus ask of us?



God Bless*

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My point is people do good in this world without being religious... It is true it happens all of the time... so what will happen to them??? will they down in hell with satan or in some other place?

What do you mean "religious" people? just because they obey God? or people who stick to rules while neglecte people's heart?

I believe God has plans for those people who do good things, but now you hear the gospel, it is your business now to decide to choose or not choose.

Did you read Bible? do you know what is in it? I am sure we all heard all kinds of things, but which one is true?


Sometimes the rules of different religions can get in the way of the spirit of those religions


Talk about different religions, I remember there was a period I decided to read some other religions, wondered what they are talking about. To be frankly, some of them trigued some dislike, animals are gods, but some of them focus on good works. I was really confused. then I opened the Bible randomly, the first thing entered to my eyes was this "don't listen to other faulty teachings." something like that. so my point is if you don't believe what we say, and if you believe in God, you said you are, then try to ask Him, which one is true. He will show you the answer. such as He will show through other people, through tv, through environment, even through dreams. in one words, through some subtle things and you have to pay attention to them.

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