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So I have this friend...

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Yeah, I have this friend that I have known online for the past five years. We started out chatting when he was fifteen, we lost contact for a bit and recently picked up where we left off.


The only problem is now he is twenty, and suddenly he's not just some youg kid who asks me for advice, now he is an adult who has some pretty good advice of his own to give.


Our friendship means so much to me, to both of us really. We play a virtual reality game together almost every night. Sometimes we work on projects, sometimes we explore, and sometimes we just sit and talk.


The thing is he treats me with nothing but respect, we talk as equals, we listen to each other. When we work on a project together we work so well that it's amazing, we even finish each others sentences.


We are just like a couple, when we go more than a day without hearing from each other we both get bummed. We are truly the best of friends, and it is probably the healthiest relationship I have ever had. It's just not really real...


We are more than ten years apart, so anything outside of friendship isn't possible. However, since I am currently trying to go through a divorce, our relationship confuses me sometimes.


Everything I have ever wanted in life I have at the moment, I just have it with someone I can't actually have it with. I look forward to the time we spend together more and more, and from what he says so does he. I can just be myself, so can he... honesty, respect, unconditional love... it's all there.


Do relationships like that really exist in real life? I mean the first two years with my ex we had that, but then everything turned ugly fast. Since my counselor says I have intimacy issues it could just be that I'll manage to turn any relationship into crap if given enough time.


This is what I want in future romantic relationships, but is it possible or am I just dreaming?


Can a couple really be best friends and maintain that relationship long term?


If it is possible how do I make it happen?


What does it take? I need to know!

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But do me a favour, stop saying that your age difference makes it impossible, it's not the problem here. As said earlier age-gap relationships do happen and work but like with any relationship both individuals have to know who they are, where they are and where they want to be.

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Regardless of the intensity of this relationship, it is still a "wandering generality" rather than a "meaningful specific"


It is like reading a book and then seeing the movie. Usually, the movie falls far short of the book because the imagination is far more restricted. When your imagination is allowed to complete the picture it will do it tailor made to suit you. Real life does not allow for this.


However, you could meet this guy and it could progress. But, as it is, it is part fantasy. The age does make a difference too. This guy is real young and it seems you are facing a divorce. In two different places. It is likely your imagination has filled the gaps that will exist between the two of you.

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