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Sex....What Does Jesus Christ Allow?

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I have been doing a little reading in the Old tesament. it isa law in the Old testament that ifa man has sex with an unmarried woman he has to marry her. So does this mean that God allows sex out of marriage as long as in the end they do get married?

The Hebrew word for adultery only applies to woman. So a man can only commit adultery with another mans wife.

In the law it also states that if a man turns out his wife. Kicks her out of the house and she then finds a new man and they have sex then all three are guilty of sinning.

Yet if your broth dies and his wife does not have children then it is your duty to take her as a wife and get her pregnant. if you don't do this you are committing a sin. So yes if you were spanking the monkey you are committing a sin.

Also there are over 40 polygamist in the Bible. Some holy and blessed by god some not so holy. There is not one out and out ban on a man having more then one wife. In fact it is said that King Solomon had 1000 wives. So much for being a wise man. Honey yes, wise I'm not so sure. How did he have any time to rule over the Jews? The Bible does state that a woman with more then one husband is a harlot.

if you want some great erotic writing just go to the songs of Solomon. More proof he was pretty lusty old guy.

the Bible is filled with sex and stories of lust.



Where they all rhetorical questions?


The bible is the human story so obviously it reflects our facination with sex and love.


Most people looking for information from the bible are not Ancient Hebrews and subject to the Laws given through Moses to the Nation of Israel thousands of years ago. Christians suject themselves to the Law of Christ.


The OP question made me smile but in the end .. for those that believe in him .. you have to recognise that sexual pleasure was gods idea and along with chocolate in His top ten of great ideas...

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Where they all rhetorical questions?


The bible is the human story so obviously it reflects our facination with sex and love.


Most people looking for information from the bible are not Ancient Hebrews and subject to the Laws given through Moses to the Nation of Israel thousands of years ago. Christians suject themselves to the Law of Christ.


The OP question made me smile but in the end .. for those that believe in him .. you have to recognise that sexual pleasure was gods idea and along with chocolate in His top ten of great ideas...


Well sure, but if this God dude was so smart he would have made it so men could just cum chocolate.


Really screwed up by missing that one....... and that whole platypus thing.


major errors.

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Well sure, but if this God dude was so smart he would have made it so men could just cum chocolate.


Really screwed up by missing that one....... and that whole platypus thing.


major errors.


LOL - you've heard the Joke of the perfect man? Makes love all night and then turns into chocolate...


Who knows, who says god has finished creating.. maybe for week two after all Genesis says he's only reasting ;)

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My point is that Jesus says he came not to change the "law." That means the laws as passed down from Moses and the Hebrews. If that is true and these ancient laws are still in the 5 Books of the Bible that make up the old testament Many say that the Bible is the word of God and is true in every word. So these laws must still apply to today's Christian.

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