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Trying not to over react here...


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For those who have seen my previous posts, you know about my roommate/friend of 10 yrs. which of whom I also have a history of being in love with...the whole roommate thing has been a roller coaster ride...


i admit that our last little spat was completely my fault, and I apologized..since then he's been extra nice...the other night he ditched some girl to hang out and watch movies with me instead (highly unusual for him)...suddenly, his phone isn't blowing up with girls constantly calling him anymore either. He's been hearing me bitch about guys not calling me and not treating me the way I deserve to be treated. I made it pretty clear that I was jealous of all his girls while I'm stuck in this hole of time where I have no one. He's been saying we should do this together and that together...this is all kind of sudden cuz we've been living together for about 6-7 mos.


Last night another unusual thing occurred. I was at school last night and I missed a call from him. I thought it was odd that he called, because he works nights and it's VERY unusual for him to call then, unless it's important, nor does he like to be interrupted at work unless it's important. So I called him back to see what he wanted last night. He just wanted to say "hi" and he's stressed out at work, and that's all...I was like, "are you alright?"...I mean it was so out of the ordinary, that I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do here...


I don't want to over react and assume that he's trying to make an effort to be all those things I bitch about men NOT being for me...by calling and hanging out with JUST me...up until this point, I've had the attitude that we are just "roommates" and there should be no jealousy, etc, but also his kids are involved here and practically live with us, so it's been easy to start feeling like a happy little family here.


Am I crazy to think that all these little extra things coming from him might mean something?

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I have read some of your posts, and it seems to me that this guy is a huge part of your life. You need to tell him what's up, especially since your lease is up soon. Whether he wants a relationship or not, it is obvious he will still want to be a part of your life. You have been friends for many years, and I am sure he wouldn't throw that away. It sounds like you are there for him when he needs you and vice versa. At least once you have established his feelings about you, you can move on knowing you tried. You are spending too much time thinking and not acting...I know it is easier said than done, too!! You should check out some of my posts..lol!! Don't buy a house with him unless you guys are going to be a couple either!!! It's also obvious this situation is torturing you emotionally...who needs all that stress??? You should blow off some stress with him...if you know what I mean..LOL!!! Good Luck!!! ;)

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All right, bh...how many threads are you going to post about what he may or may not mean by what he's done...when are you just going to talk to him and tell him how you feel???



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All right, bh...how many threads are you going to post about what he may or may not mean by what he's done...when are you just going to talk to him and tell him how you feel???




I wish I knew norajane!!! one thing I know for sure is how lucky I feel to have you all here to listen and tell me when I'm being plain silly.


We have a mutual friend getting married in April, and yesterday I got the invite in the mail, with 2 RSVP cards, one for him and a guest, and one for me + a guest. A few weeks back the wedding came up and he jokingly said he was going to take "some ho"...I thought well that would suck if I have to go alone while he's there with some chick that will probably intimidate me because she'd be younger and hotter, for sure...I don't really know any guys right now that I could ask to go with me. I've been MANY weddings solo and I manage to have fun...but not as much when all my friends are there with someone and I'm not. I wanna refuse to go this thing unless I have a date. If my roommate takes a date, I'll send a gift with him!


I don't know about going with him as a date though, cuz all of our friends would be like, "whoa, what's going on here?"..I don't know if I'm ready for all that...to present ourselves that way and be the headline of the day for our huge circle of friends..


anyway, believe it or not, you all have helped a lot...I just dont know how to bring myself to do what I know I need to do..

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I think the wedding invitation is PERFECT opportunity to talk to him! Ask him if he'd like to go together as a DATE. That's a great opening to tell him that you like spending your time with him vs. going out the way you usually do, that you've been wishing you had the nerve to tell him that he's more to you than a friend and roommate. And this gives you a couple months to BE a couple before the wedding, so your friends will already know by then.

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...norajane..I'll probably see him late tonight or sometime this weekend..I'll ask him if he saw the wedding invitation..and maybe slip in there, "you should be my date!"..or something like that...I'm nervous...:eek: ...gosh I wish he would be the one to suggest it...he probably won't though!

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