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Ethliz's Journal

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Power of the Mind, How powerful Can I Truly Be?

Is my mind and love powerful enough to attract him back to my life and make him happy?   I wonder.... 1st month, first experiment, we'll see how far I've gone; as of now he has said he's confused, has slept with his best friend, a woman he knows since they were 14 years of age. Has told me he loves me but doesn't know what he truly wants in his life, only wishes to be my friend.   I want him to be happy, find his answers and want to be my partner for life. I wish he'll cut all contact with th



Not Going Well but Taking it as a Test

Not going as expected but I'm taking it as a test; he no longer wants to be my friend he said he will cut me off his life. I believe he has the power to do just that but I refuse to believe this is how it will end. Staying strong and still believing but not neglecting myself while this is happening. I choose to believe, i choose happiness.



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