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LifeWithoutMiMi's Journal

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Entries in this journal

Life without MiMi

I am glad to have found this LoveShack forum. Instead of releasing all my thoughts and telling all kinds of stories and past experiences to my friends (yes, they were annoyed), I think it is best for me to write down my recovery journey in this Journal.   Here's a very brief situation about my situation: My ex-girlfriend MiMi dumped me, and for the first few weeks, I did most of things that dumpees should not do, such as begging, pleading, kept texting and calling, etc. On Aug 30th, my ex texte



Chess Tournament

I am playing in a chess tournament during this long weekend of Thanksgiving. The tournament takes place very near where MiMi lives, so I thought a lot about her when I was driving there....   My results so far are not too bad, as I haven't played since 2006. I got 3 wins and 2 losses so far. MiMi, there are so many things that I want to tell you. Whenever I won a game, I want to share my happiness with you. Same when I lost a game, I want to let you know how angry I was. Anyway, today this is l



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