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JohnnyBlaze's Journal

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I Hate Carrots!!

No, I don't mean physical carrots, like the ones you put in your salad or feed to your pet rabbit, although I do hate those carrots as well. No, I'm talking about the proverbial carrot; the carrot on a stick. The one called the Perfect Woman (..almost). Well, she's back on the singles scene, and I'm already following the carrot. AND I HATE IT! It's not that I hate her for it, or anything like that. I don't think that I could ever hate her. It's that I could see it coming a mile away, and



FaceBook is killing me

This isn't the typical Facebook rant. I don't have any problem with my status, and to date, I never have...whether or not I was single. I don't care if someone I know added me as a friend or not, or whether or not I have more friends than so-and-so or not. No, my frustration is more specific.   Back in elementary school, some 25-odd years ago, I found myself in the same class as an angel. Long dark hair, piercing brown eyes, an innocent, shy smile that could melt the polar caps, and a body



The perfect girl...almost.

Note: If you've had anything to drink recently, go to the washroom now. I don't want to be responsible for any wet spots from you laughing so hard at me (notice that I said at me, not with me).   Okay, don't say you weren't warned...   I'll divide this up into sections, as it's going to be a rather long entry. I'll deal with the technical stuff first. It's just an update to the two thread links below.     Just the Facts   A little background reading: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t1850



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