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Satu's Journal

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Resistance is futile.

*Don't try to avoid your thoughts and feelings. That resistance just creates conflict and tension inside of you.   Allow your thoughts to come and go naturally, and do the same with your feelings.   You will find that there are nuggets of understanding and realisation in there which will help with your recovery.   If you block the painful feelings, you are at the same time blocking any good feelings which are being formed.   What you resist, persists.



Everything begins with oneself.

The most fundamental relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. It sets the tone for all your other relationships. With this in mind, it's important to be loving and kind to yourself. Cultivate loving kindness towards yourself and you will be able to love others freely and without reserve.



The wisdom to know the difference?

Spend some time contemplating the differences between loving, wanting, and needing.   Its important to understand those differences.   Those three things are related, but they're not different words for the same thing.   Really reflect on that.   It will help you to understand yourself (and others) better.



One day at a time.

No relationship is older than one day.   They need to be refreshed every day with a new investment of love, commitment, and passion.   If they aren't, they either die, or become stunted from a lack of feeding.   Sometimes people just forget to invest.     All that any of us can do is to keep pouring the best of ourselves into our relationships, day after day.   At first that sounds like a tall order, but it isn't really, because all we have to deal with is one day.




Love is total commitment. Nothing held back. Nothing conditional. It is the total extension of self.



Grief shouldn't be forever.

People grieve for what they had and lost, but they also grieve for what they needed and wanted, but didn't get.   Its often both.   Grief is a noble thing, but it should not become permanent, or a settled state of being.   Do your grieving and move on.



A useful mindfulness exercise.

1. Sit down in a dining chair, or other upright chair.   2. Close your eyes, and let your attention come to your body. Let your attention wander around your body, just noting any sensations you feel. You may feel anything. Itching, hot, cold, tight, heavy, relaxed etc. Just notice any sensation.   3. Notice your breathing. Don't try to breathe in any particular way, just notice your breathing.   4. Bring your attention to the heart area, and let it rest there for few moments. You might like t



One last chance.

Sometimes I think that it's only people who have just thrown away their last chance, who ask for one last chance.   But I mostly don't think that



A nice quote from RD Laing.

All in all Each man in all men all men in each man All being in each being Each being in all being All in each Each in all All distinctions are mind, by mind, in mind, of mind No distinctions no mind to distinguish



It's OK to feel OK.

It's OK to feel OK, and it's OK to feel good. It's OK even when somebody else isn't feeling good. It's OK even if someone else is suffering. In fact, we need to be OK, so that we can help others when they need us. We can't give what we don't have. If we aren't feeling peaceful inside how can we bring peace? If we don't feel the love inside, how can we give love?




From my journal:   "The baby grows inside the Mother. Our consciousness grows inside the Baby. What is to come grows inside our consciousness. In that sense, we are our own Mothers, or at least Mothers of that which is to come."



Much and little.

Falling in love seems much, but is little.   The slow discipline of love seems little, but is much.



No time to meditate?

No time to meditate?   Do this instead, twice a day:   1. Sit down, close your eyes, and let your awareness scan over you body, just noticing the sensations/how you feel.   2. Just sit with the feeling for one minute.   3.Tell yourself it's ok to feel that way. Feel love for yourself feeling those feelings.   Slowly open your eyes.   This takes 2-3 minutes, and will help you to feel more centred and grounded.



Don't believe the cheaters reason why...

They all say,"I needed xyz, and you weren't giving that to me."   Then you can get really clear in your head that its all your fault.   Then you can get really clear in your head that you're just not good enough.   Then you can get really clear in your head that you must do better.   Or, you can look at it this way: He did it because he wanted to.   Which is a good way of looking at it, because it's the truth.



On being a Person.

"Our search for such [moral] principles can start with . . . the unconditional imperative to acknowledge every person as a person. If we ask for the contents given by this absolute, we find, first, something negative—the command not to treat a person as a thing. This seems little, but it is much. It is the core of the principle of justice."   - Paul Tillich.



Giving and receiving.

To be loved, be loving. To find peace, be peaceful. To find forgiveness, be forgiving. To be cared about, be caring. To be treated kindly, be kind. To be understood, be understanding. To have friends, be friendly.   Etc.   We have no right to receive anything that we do not give.




The first duty of love is to listen.



How to be Sane.

Mental and emotional health hinges on the acceptance of reality and the ability to adapt to it.



The Best.

I choose to give only the best of myself to others. The less than best, I work on in my own time.



A simple technique for dealing with fear.

The only way to overcome fear is to face up to it. Allow yourself to feel the fear without trying to push it away.   Trying to push it away creates tremendous inner tension, and feeds the fear.   Notice the physical sensations in you body that come with it, but don't try to suppress them, just notice the way your body feels.   Allow yourself to fully experience it for a few minutes, and then just go about your business.



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