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Merry Zebra's Journal

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I am reaching out for help and trying to contact fungrl9 regarding her blog posted on loveshack.org another web site.   I also had an affair with Clifton "Chris" Naivar that began in August of 2009. CCN has done to me everything he did to you.   Fungrl9 I need your help in moving on. Please contact me.   http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t142683/   This is the blog that finally made me reach out to you.   http://chat.datenation.com/blog/fungrl9/index.html?dcb=datenation.com     "Interna

Merry Zebra

Merry Zebra


Just as I knew all along. Lie after lie. Everything. Not an ounce of sincerity from CCN. Why?

Merry Zebra

Merry Zebra

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