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Of men and mullet

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Woman alone= desperate woman

normally if there is desperation it comes from within the person who is feeling it......he is assuming on his own needs thats why i dont want guys to tell me that .....because then i know they are actually feeling it........and i feel for them....sympathy and empathy with me.....i take on others.....and that means i am going to be tired.........deb



SHE13 Responses 0 votes Best response SHE Pushed from post to pillar, a traffic l

13 Responses         Best response   SHE   Pushed from post to pillar,   a traffic light surfer on Darlinghurst Road   Formed from rough words and know it all attitudes   Arrogance between sheets that count bodies not thread.   She is Hell in a pushcart,   personified simply   Graceful disaster or an addicts' epiphany of hope in hopelessness   Just a number



Let us start here at the beginning

June 24th 2012   In 2007 I joined this board and ranted how dare she blah blah, if you like history you can search my name I guess, if you like a little woe is me.I am however writing this journal as a prelude to a book I am attempting and am not really concentrating on what happened but only what is going to happen.A checkered past is fodder for another book.I wanted to share my journey with this board and hopefully add some of my journal entries in my book....and get it published   I am rek



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