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It was TBF's friends post which made me realize that friends come in different colors and sizes. Some as business associates, classmates, childhood friends,


Last week I've made calls to those in "my network" and have gotten positive responses in finding myself. For those who have read my posts and comments about my job understand what I have been through.


I've given time and money for their campaigns, got positive leads to my career, mentoring advice, love advice, and introductions to people that I would not have gotten access to.


A few months ago I sat next to the VIP guest of the event, in the event I've noticed I paid attention to what was in front of me versus who was in the room. I was unaware of my surroundings.


It was that event that I realized that I am really underutilized, I undersell and underestimate myself, my family background has actually held me back, that I have started to break free, my entreprenaural spirit has kicked in, that it is time to venture big, use my network and strive for something bigger.


Yes I started the process of moving from my current job to doing working on starting a venture by extending my network. Now it starts by getting another MS degree where the goal is to start the venture.


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Way to go jerbear! Don't forget that Nemo took over my thread, so it's technically become his thread. :lmao:


Actually, one whiny member decided to get it deleted, so it can't do anyone else anymore good...

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I just attended an open session today with like minded people and was quite impressed. I found out that the program has some very prominent graduates who are looking to do what I wanted to do. It is amazing how personal networks work.


Some people were surprised at one of my comments and that I was unique in the group with my background. I wanted to do this to get that and which will then fund my later passions.


I think I may have found my niche, now I just need to get accepted into that program.


This is a first for me, willing to give it all up and pursue one of my entreprenural ideas. I signed up to take a standardized test and even started on getting a finance industry certification (CFA level 1) ok study guides but that is a start.


Heck I even re-established contact with my ex. She was happy, surprised, po'ed, conflicted, "not in the mood", blah blah blah. She was surprised that I started the CFA process, it was on her last hoorah list.


I even asked some cute ladies and cougars out on dates.

Edited by jerbear
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