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Of men and mullet

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Let us start here at the beginning



June 24th 2012


In 2007 I joined this board and ranted how dare she blah blah, if you like history you can search my name I guess, if you like a little woe is me.I am however writing this journal as a prelude to a book I am attempting and am not really concentrating on what happened but only what is going to happen.A checkered past is fodder for another book.I wanted to share my journey with this board and hopefully add some of my journal entries in my book....and get it published


I am rekindling a flame, well two actually, my own for life and the great outdoors, and in the process an old flame could sizzle to life or it may just extinguish it and give me closure.

There are so many get him back e books and yes I have read some of them and the testimonials they cover a pretty broad spectrum of relationship evils and give solid advice especially appropriate is the reinvent yourself motto but we all know that feeling good about yourself first is always the way to go.If ya don't love yourself who else will. Now here is the big BUT on following the love yourself advice in my case i didnt swallow what I knew about looking after yourself, I swallowed high calorie luscious decadent chockie bars instead .

I have been wallowing for five years now.....far too long....my first mistake, wish I had started sooner on the road to getting me in shape let's say at least three cadbury family blocks ago,about 3 kentucky dinner packs(ok more ) and throw in the weekly cheese platters too.I will miss my creamy sultry camembert friday night date. I am excited though to move on from the cheese and embrace the gain with of course not so much though the thought of pain.Wish me luck :cool:


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Friends, WHERE DO BEGIN ! I'm so confused ? Why is that I end up with people who are so ignorant and so caught up in the moment ? . . Is it wrong for me to just want to be alone ? I keep giving people the perspective and idea that I am lonely and depressed but i feel like i just gave up on other people.. you know ? . . I have to worry about me and what makes me happy and not on how to make other people happy ! If it's one thing I have learned is that there are no true friends, sad but its true.. either boyfriends come, rumors, or just people changing.. good or bad . . Hopeee I'm going in the right path with all this :(

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Friends, WHERE DO BEGIN ! I'm so confused ? Why is that I end up with people who are so ignorant and so caught up in the moment ? . . Is it wrong for me to just want to be alone ? I keep giving people the perspective and idea that I am lonely and depressed but i feel like i just gave up on other people.. you know ? . . I have to worry about me and what makes me happy and not on how to make other people happy ! If it's one thing I have learned is that there are no true friends, sad but its true.. either boyfriends come, rumors, or just people changing.. good or bad . . Hopeee I'm going in the right path with all this :(

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Posted (edited)

What will your book be about? ;p

A "get him/her back type book"?



No that isn't the main focus the main focus is for me to do things I have always wanted to do but haven't done. one of those things is to write a book in the first place, my dreams that I have left on the shelf ,some of them like my ex and I getting back together(it's been five years) may just stay up there on the shelf as I move on.....I seize the moment or carpe diem I seize the day and make it mine......I do what I always have wanted to do and that is what I will be writing about .....the juggle act of being a single mum with five kids and finding time to be who i want to be......with or without my ex I will make it and all the hits and misses along the way its all part of acceptance.....deb

Edited by todreaminblue
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Friends' date=' WHERE DO BEGIN ! I'm so confused ? Why is that I end up with people who are so ignorant and so caught up in the moment ? . . Is it wrong for me to just want to be alone ? I keep giving people the perspective and idea that I am lonely and depressed but i feel like i just gave up on other people.. you know ? . . I have to worry about me and what makes me happy and not on how to make other people happy ! If it's one thing I have learned is that there are no true friends, sad but its true.. either boyfriends come, rumors, or just people changing.. good or bad . . Hopeee I'm going in the right path with all this :([/quote']


hi akd is this your journal entry, how you are feeling ?

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