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Wondering if my ex. will call someday.



The last time I spoke to my ex was end of last year and even ran into her a few months after, which was extremely frustrating and disheartening. I Stopped talking to my ex though, no contact for about five to six months. Was very upset and still struggling to move on. She broke up with me more than a year ago, but we still saw each other and reminisced and I tried to make things work, but she wasn't having it and eventually told me to stop contacting her. At this point I gave in and stopped contacting her, but it hurt so much to hear that after almost five years of being together.


I have been trying to date other people and she has moved on with other guys, which is fine, but still hurts. I am trying to work, stay busy, and think of anything but her, but at times it seems almost impossible and I feel pathetic and miserable. I started working out again, trying to stay positive and move on, and restart and put my life back together. NC is truly painful, but I try to remind my self, in the long run, it hasn't been enough time for NC but I am afraid she will never call me again.


How can my ex not call me for so long and how she moving on? Is she happy? Is the guy shes with better or more loving than I was? Did what we "had" mean absolutely nothing? I guess, in her mind its completely over and I should move on with other people and my life.


I have not meet anyone amazing yet, but have seen people here and there. I am afraid to give myself again to anyone else and I think about what my ex. is doing with someone else and it eats away at me.


I do understand though, if I do not get things together and move on and, "man up," I will never be happy again or find someone else to be happy with. I could be missing out on life and life with someone truly amazing, I get it.


But...I always wonder, will I ever receive that email, that text, or possibly even that phone call, like in the end of the movie, "Swingers." We all secretly want and hope for this and it drives us mad, but whoever has had that opportunity, I consider that a blessing and a curse, but ultimately amazing.


It has only been four to five months with no contact, but I do not know how people go so long, I read on here 8 months and more of NC and I think thats just torture. Will she ever call me again? Will I be one of the lucky ones to look down at my phone and see that number that makes me scared and amazing at the same time?


So, will she call and if she does, what will it mean? Will it mean she dated and got tired of it and thought of me or, she always loved me?


She said so many harsh things at the end, which were so hard to understand and take in, it was truly painful.


Here's some harsh things I had to hear and read-

I was told that-

"I love you, but I am not in love with you right now."

"Right now I do not think we should be together, but maybe someday."

"Do not call or contact me, you will just cry and be pathetic."

"Move on, because I am moving on with someone else, not you."

"We can't be together right now, but who knows."


I was told we would be, "just friends," and I will always love you, which makes me feel like total poop. That means nothing to me, even though its something.


She made it sounds like, no future plans, don't hope because that is pathetic, go find someone else to love, and do not call or contact me, NC forever.


I am low and have been through hard times, but I do not want to feel pathetic forever and always wonder what could be someday, will I ever see or hear from her again? Will she make that call everyone hopes for?


I do not know how to continue with the NC, because it hurts soo much and everyone says that, they will eventually call back and I do not believe it to be true but I hope it will be because I hurt so much.



In the meantime, I want to find someone else, but hope that my ex. and I will be together someday, I just can't picture anything else and its killing me and making me feel so foolish.


Any advice would be appreciated, I just want proof that they eventually call back, that you need to give time and space, to almost everything, even to the ones you truly love. That they will call back, it may just take a long time of NC to see so. I just want to hear from her so bad, but do not want to make things worse. Thanks.


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I have read that NC is basically the only way to go and doing anything else is foolish and just pushing the other person away, but its so painful. Everyday seems like an effort.

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I mean, how long do you go without contacting them? Like her Birthday is coming up soon. I would appreciate some help and anyone who is willing to help and comment, I will offer help in return if you need it. I came on here for a reason, so please any aid would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Be simple

Posted (edited)



Well in this case you should follow your heart and from what I understood you really really want to be with that girl so go for it. I know that horrible things happened before but time passed maybe she needed her space or maybe she needed a change. I feel that if you still have strong feelings for her you shouldn't just let it go I believe that you should try one more time and after that if nothing happens or if she starts saying horrible things again then you should forget her. For now though, you should try to figure out your self and why in the first case you broke up, when you are done analyzing your self then go for it try to talk to her and make her understand how you felt these months away from her. Just be honest and say what you are feeling. I know it might not seem logical to just go and tell her but sometimes logic isn't necessary because in confuses people. That's why I feel that you should trust your emotions and take the risk and talk to her. After all you were together I'm sure she cares about you too you can't just delete a relationship. To conclude I say you text her a simple message like "hey how are you how is everything?" smth like that, since she told you that you should be friends. And see if she replies if she does then you should go out for a coffee and see how things go. You might even notice that she changed and you don't care anymore (because we often idealize people that we like) or you might see that your feelings became even stronger etc. I'm just saying that you should try because its seems that you really care about her and miss her. I hope what I wrote will help you :)

Edited by Be simple
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I think that all relationships are different. Perhaps getting over someone would have been easier if the communication was clearer. I have had relationship where it was best to end it cold, not talk again, not look at each other again, etc. My last relationship ended amicably and we still stay in touch today even with both of us being in relationships. I think it comes down to respecting each other's wishes when the relationships end no matter how hard it really is to do.

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Ouch. She isn't going to contact you. It's over and sadly for you, she's moved on. Some people never look back once they end a relationship and move on, never to see or speak to the ex ever again. She isn't doing this to be mean to you, or make you feel bad, she just doesn't want to be in touch anymore. NC isn't about punishing someone, or making them miss you to come back. NC is a time for grieving, healing and growing so you can go on with your life.

Your love for her has to die. You prob. will always love her, but you need to let go and detach yourself, give up hope. Really cry and stop hoping/wishing. Stop remembering and re living your relationship with her, all that does is feed your feelings and keep you from moving on.


You should have posted this on the site? Not sure if you did.. Posting here, few people will notice and if you need help, best bet is to make a thread.

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u can say happy bday u ave nothing to lose but after that give her space again

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I have to go through the exact same situation and sadly I had no choice but to go NC on my ex gf. I want to contact her again but I'm afraid that she will just block me for even talking to her...

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