This is to you.
It was about two years ago when i met you. I was still pretty fresh out of college, and the economy wasn't performing well. During my months of joblessness, and a shot of boredom, I decided to see what's up with people from around the world.
It was in that place where you caught my eye. You were so funny, friendly, and warm. One day you decided to add me on facebook. I still chuckle that your reason was that 'you loved my smile.'
And you.. you were drop dead gorgeous. With some of the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen..and rich, dark hair.
From there we grew pretty close. You became someone who was so good for me emotionally. I felt like I could tell you almost anything, and you would help me sort myself.
When I had no money, you were there. When I felt lonely, you were there. When I felt like I was getting were there. Through my ambitions born of frustrations, you reminded me to never let go of my spirit.
You helped remind me what it is to be strong. When I learned what you been through, I can see how you built up strength as well. You told me stories how life was in Iraq, and the precious memories you have from there.
I learned about how much you miss your country. How bad you want to go back, but can't because it's just too dangerous. How you even have Arabic news in the US so that you can keep up with what's happening in your homeland.
You were so good in putting things in perspective for me. You reminded me in my darkest times, when I'm most unsure about life, to keep my head up. Because things will get better.
I grin now, because once again you were right. Now I'm making more money than I ever have..and am resolved to having no more backward steps financially in my life. I thanked you so much for believing in me, but you told me to give myself more credit..something I still work on.
Recently.. you've started to disappear more and more..until now, I don't hear from you anymore. I wanted to see you, and meet the lone woman responsible for changing my life. But you always told me I made you shy, and would chicken out, even though you wanted the same:laugh:
So, I don't know if I'll ever see you again.
In case I don't..let me thank you.
Thank you for dealing with me, and my habit of being hard on myself. I'm getting better at it.
Thank you for your advice.
For your insight.
For your jokes.
For making me laugh.
For helping me.
For finally helping me understand what I want in a woman.
Thank you. Thank you.
From the deepest parts of me..Thank you.
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