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After 4.5 yeas my boyfriend & I are breaking up.



So, my boyfriend and I have been together for 4.5 years. A few days before Christmas of 2012, I moved in with him. So we have been living together for 8 months now. We have to move out of our place by next weekend. He told me a few weeks ago that we have to move and a week later he says he wants to move to a new place by himself. I've been trying to figure out why he doesn't want to live with me. So then, he tells me that I haven't been paying rent, which is true. I was going to school until May2013 so I was only working 12-20 hours a week. After June until now I work anywhere from 8-32 hours, so I couldn't afford to pay rent. I've been recently looking for another part-time job or a full-time job but I haven't had any luck. Things between us has been rocky. He's says he's really unhappy and he needs something to change, which is breaking up with me. He said that I don't make his unhappy. We have had a good time since I moved in.


So now in a week I have to move, which is back with my parents an hr away.


He says he still loves me and cares for me. But he doesn't want to keep living with me if I can't pay him rent. Which I was going to start. I know I should of months ago.


Idk what to do or how to feel. I was only single for a year before I met him. I really love him and I don't want to break up, but I don't know what else to do for us to keep staying and living together. And Ya, he said if I move out, were breaking up.


So things are really confusing. He gives me kisses, hugs and says I love you. But in a week, I will be gone.


He shows no emotions, except for drinking for the past few nights.


I'm so lost and not sure If things will get better for me and to top it off, My dad has been sick for over a month now with cancer. I really feel like things are getting worse.




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where are the forums? and maybe you should ask you parent for rent money, till the time you get a new job, and can then pay them back, and pay rent by yourself?

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